Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Cryer Pharmaceuticals (represented in this request by Bob Bobberson)
License requested and reason(s) for it: A license for the holding and transporting Cardamine (as well as Shigeakiki), Slog and Nox.
We at Cryer would like to further research and develop the effectiveness of our Stabiline product, to this end supplies of Cardamine and 'Shegeakiki', a derivative of Cardamine, for experimentation would be greatly beneficial.
Additionally, with the influx in 'Slog' lately we would like to start research into the drug so as to begin development of a treatment for rehabilitation. The same applies for the request for the drug 'Nox'. While we don't expect to find much of this particular drug in Liberty itself, we do expect to find it in Rheinland. Being able to move through Liberty Space would be paramount to delivering any such obtained goods to our research facilities.
Ideally we would like to strike a deal with Liberty law enforcement for obtaining confiscated units of the above compounds. Not only would this provide us with an appropriate way of obtaining these research samples, it would also mean no costs for storage or destruction on the governments end, instead resulting in an increase in potential budget.
Almost poetic really, crime paying for law enforcement.
Evidence of friendly reputation with Liberty Navy and Liberty Police:•Attachment
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: This license would also ensure that, should the LPI, Liberty Navy or LSF require any of these compounds, such as for example preventing a convicted criminal from dying and escaping their due punishment, we would be able to provide the needed compound.
Needless to say any products created by Cryer for the treatment of these nefarious drugs would be made available to the markets of Liberty, after passing all trials and paperwork for approval, of course.
By filling this application you hereby agree to these terms and compliance with the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
Full name: Cryer Pharmaceuticals (represented in this request by Bob Bobberson)
Affiliation: Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Callsign of ship in question: [-Cryer-]Scalpel, [-Cryer-]Stethoscope, rest to be determined should the request be granted.
Equipment requested: 4x Liberty Gunboats, 4x Avengers, 4x Upholders,
Reason for request: Our convoys heading towards Clisham Research Station have come under frequent attack as they travel from Liberty to Bretonia, particularly in Magellen. We have learned from an LSF agent on site that the system has become a popular route for Slog smuggling, adding to the danger. As such we would greatly appreciate stronger defensive option than standard civilian hardware. The amount of vessels is so that we can rotate the ships used during convoy escorts, that way the ones not currently fielded can be repaired and maintained properly.
Evidence of friendly reputation with Liberty Navy and Liberty Police: