new release for fl-darkstat v1.48.0 - PoB search by goods
The amount of Player Owned Bases in "PoBs" tab grows and navigating them all to find specific item becomes a challenge. Thankfully @Ash hinted for an answer in advance and thus i present:
New tab "PoB goods" where we can see in main table goods, ships and etc, which are buyable or sellable from and to bases. Main table lists amount of buyable goods or amount of possible to sell. And best price and best selling price.
Clicking on good, shows list of Player Owned Bases having it, and accordingly quantity on board and prices
So... if u questioned yourself if a specific item is obtainable somehow from Any Public Base (or sellable to any base), u can find out now.
Player Owned Bases now show infocards! (They are shown if pob account manager has toggled "position" permission)
Player Owned Bases show detailed docking permissions in their infocard in addition, which defense mode, docking alias/enemies are set to base. (This stuff is shown if u toggled "defense mode" permission in account manager)
Also fixed Player Owned Bases being shown as transport unreachable in other tabs. Added them into graph calculations, so if player base owner shown their system/position location, then they are reachable. (rechability of bases is checked by ability to fly to them from manhattan)
So... if u questioned yourself if you can dock specific Player Owned Base, you can find out for sure... at least if base owner toggled necessary permissions hehe.
Or if u wished making more than 15 items public at DarkStat, u can
PoB and PoB goods tabs now show how much "Cargo space is left" on bases, for the purpose of precisely known information how much u can sell in bulk stuff
Column in PoB Goods "Total sellable to base" of some commodity is adjusted to be aware not only of Max stock, Quantity, but also of the cargo space left too! So now it will show precise truth
That should unlock a proper information how much of some Ore/Commodity you can deliver to a PoB for sure ^_^