The Cruiser IKN Nagara was once a Prototype Unit of the Imperial Kusari Navy and was used by the Navy to Develop an Enhanced Type of Cruiser and some Prototype Equipment for use by Naval Forces. But these Experiments went Terribly Wrong and the Cruiser Disappeared without a trace as they Tested an Experimental Prometheum Fuled Jumpdrive that went totally Out of control. While the Ship made the Jump the Results were more than Catastrophic. The drive overheated and the Guidance System Failed Misserable, on top of that they would also Experience a Rupture in the Main Reactor and in several Containment tanks. Before the Crew Even Noticed what had happened or what they could do to stop it the whole ship was already Flooded with Deadly Radiation. A Fact that was made worse due to the Malfunction in the Automated Guidance and control system that Prevented the Emergency Shutdown of the Jumpdrive and the Ejection of the Reactor. Another side effect of this was that the ship would jump uncontrollably in a random pattern. The whole idea behind the Prometheum Jumpdrive was after all to get rid of the Cumbersome Fuel Cells that Jumpships relied upon. And so would the Ship Jump Around the Sirius Sector for years, it was sighted many times but it was always as fast gone as it had appeared. But after years of being a Literaly Ghost Ship, the Nagara would finally stop its journey as the Jumpdrive completely broke Down in the Kyushu System. The Ship would Break Down Deep in the Seiran Dust Cloud and be hidden away from all Scanners and the Usual Smuggle and Patrole Routes. The Gen´an Pilot Kiri Amaririsu would Discover the Nagara after she had to Flee Deep into the Cloud to escape a KNF Patrole as she was on the way back to the Main Gen´an Station of KKJ after a Trade Deal with the Outcasts. Eri and her Crew Discovered that the Ship was a Graveyard and that the Crew was long Dead, but that the Ship itself was still in a Good enough Condition so that the ship could be Repaired and Put to good Use for the Sisterhood to fight the patriarchy of Kusari that Oppresses so many Woman.