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He smiled a bit knowing that Chenzo was willing to help him with his medical quest but he decided to address his questions first.
"I will be honest, Mr. Chenzo, I do not know the exact population of either Freepor 9 or Pygar. The best I can give you as an educated guess. Before the fighting took place on Freeport 9, there was about 450 or so personnel on board. I would dare say that about the same number is on it now. Pygar? I really do not know. The best I can do is find out and maybe get back to you on a number. I do know this. Most of what is on Pygar are people who left Gran Canaria because of Bretonia."
"Food," he continued, "we have been able to sustain, albeit barely, the populations of those places. So far, we have been able to keep up and I remain optimistic that it will get better."
With a sip of his drink, he answered the first question. "What I will need for my research are people willing to undergo fertility treatments." He put a hand up in front of him. "No worries, all records will be confidential. I would need blood samples to test cardamine counts and current birth trends. For the moment, it is all that I can think of."
Chenzo listened, he wasn't sure where he'd begin to look for women or couples struggling to give birth as it wasn't a common topic for people on Malta. The inherent knowledge that fertility itself had been greatly reduced due to Cardamine, but also other things in the very nature of the Maltese which meant childbirth didn't fall under the normal remit of regular humans.
"It's an odd thing, the whole fertility deal. The more I think of it, it's always seems to be the least educated, the least capable of learning who reproduce more frequently than those with genuine intellect. That isn't limited to the Maltese, but humans in general. If you've ever spent time on Manhattan, you notice how it's always the larger people with no job or heading in life who also have multiple offspring. Usually always by different fathers? Furthermore on Planet New London, only the seemingly least witty of people seem to manage great numbers of children, often more than the usable braincells between their ears, also in quick succession. I need not mention the Corsairs, who seem to feel that reproduction as a source of food and some form of sport."
He chuckles softly
"It may be interesting to gather census data, then you can note that there may indeed be a parallel line between intelligence and fertility? Alas, it's much more chemical with the Maltese, at least. Maltese DNA is much more sophisticated than that of the average human of Sirius. This bares no correlation to intelligence, but what I suspect is that any medication or remedy for normal Sirians, certainly won't work on the Maltese. There is also the mindset to consider. I believe normal Sirians have a fertility window of around ten to fifteen years from age 18 onward. In this age gap I believe it's considered normal to become pregnant. For Maltese society, much different. Due to our people's mortality rate, meaning we live far, far longer under natural circumstances; The normal fertility gap is say... from the forties to eighties in age range. It's also worth bearing in mind that the Maltese tend to have more children across their life time, for example any regular family having two to three children in close succession, the Maltese women giving birth to one, leaving it a decade before having another and can sometimes muster up to nine children almost a century apart in age from youngest to eldest. Excuse the Pun, but it has quite literally formed the family run cartel culture on the planet. I will ask around and see if I can find any test subjects who may be open to engage in your research. "
His voice takes on a much less cheery tone, almost sharp to the ears
"Moving back to the Freeport... Are there any Zoner-based holidays which require the attendance of all Zoners? I mean... How would you go about discreetly evacuating all Zoner's from Freeport Nine? Furthermore, if I were to speak with Don Haraberro, the head of the largest group on Malta and assuming all Zoner transports would be willing to submit to scanning, announcing their presence beforehand, I see no reasons why we can't allow food produced here on Freeport Ten to make it's way to feed those on Pygar, there's always a great abundance from here"
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"Zoner holiday," he thought for a second aloud and began shaking his head, "I cannot think of any Zoner specific holidays which makes sense since we come from everywhere."
"Evacuating? I am not sure that is in the cards yet. Food is tight but no one is leaving. They are a tough lot on Pygar. That much I know about them. We are producing enough to maintain but extra is always nice."
He looked at Chenzo. There was something about the man he liked. He could be vial when needed but he was honest, honorable and was willing to work with someone.
"Transports from Freeport 10 via Omicron Alpha for nothing more than being scanned," Doc thought aloud again. "It would have to be Dromedary freighters due to jump hole cargo restrictions but that would be a very welcomed gesture. We would just need to find more pilots."
He was choosing his words wisely and it was evident. Not carefully but wisely.
"I have not had the privilege to meet Don Haraberro but do give him my gratitude for this. I know his generosity will not be free so to speak so I will try to return the favor somehow. Perhaps that fertility issue. Imagine, an increased growth of new pilots."
He then chuckled a little. "I never tied intelligence to child birth. Look at me. I am no dummy and I have, well, had three children and IF it happened again, I would welcome it. The difference? I can take care of mine. So many others cannot. Those are the people who annoy me."
The top end of Malta was full of extremely reasonable and compassionate people, the fact was simply that a certain rude and murderous reputation made them all but unapproachable by most
“Si, senor. You are both intellectual & kind. Make no mistake in my suggestion of intelligence and yourself. I was more thinking of those who have multiple by different fathers in an attempt to live off of the state without ever actually working for any of it, I digress.
Sir, I truly do confess myself to be far too indirect….. The offer of transports containing food being allowed to pass to Pygar & Corfu is most likely going to be unchallenged. As long as it does not present as a security risk to us, I can see no harm but will check regardless.
The sudden need for it however, lays hand in hand with my request for knowing, working with you to understand how to remove all Zoners off the freeport. It’s well known that we, the Maltese cannot stand our largest foe to expand further to a point to be able to attack directly, but also have allowed them to do so because the freeport over these years has provided them with a reliance that without it, would cripple them”
He lights a cigarette allowing what he said to sink in
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He read between the lines. Destroying the base so that the Sairs couldn't use it ever again. From a tactical standpoint, it made sense but to the Zoners, it was a needed base.
"Oh, I could remove my medical staff from it but everyone else? That might be an issue. Transponders do not allow some to dock there. The Zoner crews on it are working to fix the damage done to it and we need to do this soon. Those biodomes produced enough to take care of the population of Omicron Theta. For it not to be there would cripple us as well."
He thought of Malta for a moment. "I have to ask, is the entire atmosphere of Malta loaded with cardamine? I have seen pictures of the planet and in my visits find it quite beautiful. From time to time, I like to go somewhere remote on a planet and camp. If I will not end up addicted, why not Malta?"
It was obvious that removing all Zoners would be a task of greater precision than any form of attack itself on Freeport Nine. Chenzo's face produced a light smile to the tone of a very quiet sniggering laugh at the questions of Malta's air makeup.
"Doc, Everything, and I mean everything on Malta contains some degree of Cardamine. The technology exists and has done for quite some time which does not hinder and isn't even visible externally nor can you feel it after a few minutes; to allow you to wear a mouth and nosepiece which filters all Cardamine from the air you breath on the planet, however you'll need to bring your own food and water with you externally as if it's made on the planet, there's cardamine in it. I do keep a few floors of Comercio Fantasma clean of all cardamine to allow for any guests wanted or otherwise to prevent them taking in the benefits of Cardamine. It's a gift, senor, not a curse. Say when and I'd be more than happy to accommodate, A gent I employ by the name of Lucky on Malta can be a guide or point of contact for assistance should you so need. That offer is for any time, senor"
He paused, as if Chenzo already knew there was sombody entering the meeting room at that second. One of his security came in with a large bottle of what Holliday was already drinking, without a word placed a glass down, opened the bottle and poured some of the drink in before drinking it himself. Ge gestured to the doctor the bottle was for him. He also placed a fresh drink for Chenzo afterward. The security agent left without a word, just a respectful nod toward Holliday.
"They always insist on doing that to guests, to prove there's nothing nasty inside the drink...."
He shook his head and rested his forehead in his hand as he did so
"Sorry about that. With evacuating the Freeport. It is but an idea at present. The idea would not be to cripple anyone but the Corsairs. Spies have advised that the Corsairs are attempting to advance on Pygar as well as Corfu. There is a high level of certainty they will do so. I will state, Doc, if they succeed in fortifying Pygar, Malta will be in such danger that I don't believe we could fend off a direct assault. You and I both know and won't need to go into detail about the knowledge of Food will always be prioritised for Corsairs above anyone else. They will not consider anyone else's life. I'm sure in the absence of Freeport Nine's produce, a constant supply from Freeport Ten would suffice Zoner needs? Sorry for the heavy questions senor, but I really must do what's best for Malta and our friends. The consequences for not could be.... Severe"
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"I completely understand with your concern of Malta," replied Doc. "If I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way. It is also one of the reasons why I will be spending a bit more time than usual at our Academy in Theta. I will divide my time between it and my flag ship, Med Force One."
The drink has him concerned. It was a concern he kept to himself. He was worried if it had cardamine in it. He trusted Chenzo but getting him addicted would serve as an advantage to the Maltese as in pushing him to need them more. For now, he wasn't thirsty so for the moment, he let it be.
"Admittedly, things are heating up in Theta but it is not the first time I have encountered it. The Sairs in the past wanted it because they felt that Zoners allowed Outcasts to use it as an area to raid into Gamma and you feel the same of the Sairs there."
He paused a moment. "Pygar? It is a planet with nasty surface weather and loaded with underground caverns. One cannot grow anything there and living there is difficult at best. Those living there are a resilient bunch."
"Yes," he continued, "food supplies from ten would be of help."
"Well, senor. If Pygar were indeed to fall into Corsair hands; it would be a fortress which would be nigh on impossible to take back. Heavy warships not being too phased by the weather conditions and assaulting the planet in the hope of re capture being made very difficult by the same weather. All in all, it would be a shit show. Especially given Heavy warships are of almost no use within any atmosphere"
He pondered for a moment, he would have to be very direct
"Senor, let me be very clear. I have absolutely zero desire to actually ruin Freeport Nine at all, however given the Corsairs have it and will without question attempt to take other installations and Pygar around it it's an option I really have to consider and discuss with the other Dons on Malta. One of the main reasons I asked you to meet is to assist me in advising, maybe even planning the evacuation of all Zoner personal prior to the attack. If, as and when it's to take place.
I'm sure as hell you don't want this to happen at all which is understandable, but I sure as hell would rather not make such steps without getting all the Zoners off first...
I will even be open to personally sponsoring the transition of necessary food items and such from Freeport Ten to those within Theta with Freeport Nine's absence."
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He listened carefully as Chenzo spoke. His voice was one of all business and Doc himself knew how to be direct and matter-of-factly himself.
"Do not worry about Pygar, Senor," he started. "Zoners are tired of being driven out of one place to another by occupying forces so we are standing our ground. The Corsairs have no interest in its underground cavernous world. If a resilient group such as Zoners is having a hard enough time surviving on it, Corsairs would have it worse. That I believe. Our biggest problem is Phoenix. They have decided to be a group of individuals and create opposition. They even dismissed their own man from his administrator role on Pygar because he represented the will of the people more than he did Phoenix. I am getting tired of them myself."
He smiled a bit about Freeport 9. "That person I spoke of dismissed by Phoenix? The Zoner parties in Theta have decided to place him as administrator of Freeport 9 and why not, he will represent the people."
He could read Chenzo's intentions. "I would ask that you leave the base be. The Zoner people are tired of running. Bretonia ran us off of Gran Canaria and Liberty is trying to run us off of Planet Erie. I still have a home there and refuse to leave it. If there is a problem on Freeport 9, it is not the Corsairs as much as it was a bounty hunter that created the problem in the first place. I tolerate hunters at best so I think we can agree on our dislike of them."