Feedback for @Barrier :
- Have the Penitence beamed to the next system when reaching 500 units of the jump hole - previous event, enemies blocked the jump hole via docking in advance and some ships were lost to this.
- Its a very large target, infinite power core and engine core are nice, but IF it has components, that complicates the issue. Any swarm of Snubs, GBs or Cruisers focusing it will kill it before it leaves Frankfurt.
- Infinite shield recharge with a 20-30-60 seconds (I need to do math and I'm too tired atm for this) when the ship is rebuilding it - so the enemies can focus it - would balance the event. That way both sides have a chance - the attackers have an attack window once the shield is down of 20-30-40-50-60 seconds to do damage and the pilot can take a break once the shield is up and it has its 10 secs of 75%-95% damage reduction. Basically a shield with a cooldown to activate and infinite uses or that gets max shield for 1 Battery. This functionality implemented separately would serve well in future events.
The math that needs to be done is:
- Penitence HP
- travel distance in time at the max speed the Penitence is going resulting in the duration of the event without taking damage
- Estimated Max Damage: 10 BCs focusing it with max hull weps damage (Hailfires) or 4 Prims
> Result would be the travel distance the Penitence makes until its destroyed (estimated ofc, cause you can have more or less players dealing damage)
BUT: if you go for max players dealing damage *25 est.*, you can see how much HP you will need in future events.
I will update this once I get more ideas.