NCC Minister of Foreign Affairs Magister Yuri Orlov
Greetings Director:
How's everything going up there? We haven't spoken for a long time, since that meeting to plan the reform of the General Academy and the construction of the Spiritual Center. I hope may everything go well, and you and your daughter are in good health.
We cannot complain at Faith Haven. Food is scarce and we remain as thin as greyhounds, but thank Deux we produce enough in our biodome so that, with strict rationing, we don't have too serious problems.
However, it's in relation to food that I'm contacting you now. As far as I know, MFE built some hydroponic bays at the Academy, and until recently the Synth Paste produced there was sent in packages to Pygar, to be distributed on the planet. However, I've just received reports that your Synth Paste is no longer arriving at Pygar. Instead, the colonists of various settlements are receiving another one whose quality... well, let's just say that settlers are complaining bitterly and missing the days when they could count on MFE-produced Paste.
Has something happened that prevents you from continuing to use hydroponics? Is there anything we can help you with? Our resources aren't plentiful, as you know, but perhaps we can lend a hand if you need it.
Regards, and Deux be with you.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs House of the Magisters NCC Curia
Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Magister Yuri Urlov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - New Covenant Church
Subject .......... Re: MFE food deliveries
Dear Magister Orlov, dear Yuri,
Thank you for reaching out—it’s been far too long since our last conversation. I hope you and everyone at Faith Haven are doing well under the circumstances. My daughter and I are doing well, though as a typical 1-year-old, she has a knack for keeping her mother on her toes. Parenthood is full of learning moments, isn’t it? I’m glad to hear your biodome continues to support you despite the challenges. Your resilience remains an inspiration. May Deux watch over you all.
Regarding the shipments, I appreciate your concerns and would like to clarify the situation:
The hydroponic bays at the General Academy remain fully operational, and we’ve even increased production to meet demand. Shipments have continued as usual; however, there’s been a noticeable decline in vessels arriving to collect them—or if pickups are happening, they don’t appear to be designated for Pygar. To address this, we’ve been utilizing our only available transport vessel to send shipments to Corfu for broader distribution. It’s surprising and concerning to hear that settlers are receiving lower-quality produce, as this is the first we’ve heard of such complaints.
We’ve also noticed delays and inconsistencies in the supply chain at Corfu, which could be contributing to the problem. Investigating these issues, especially in light of the recent administrative changes on Pygar, will take some time, but we are committed to resolving them.
Additionally, we’ve received reports that some colonists who are being aided at the Academy, have started stockpiling food in preparation for possible evacuation. While this reaction is understandable, it may be intensifying the perception of shortages and straining the system further. Both administration and myself are shocked of hearing these reports from the colonists. Especially as we aren't aware of any evacuation plans by the Pygar administration.
Having mentioned that, please rest assured, we are doing everything possible to address these challenges and ensure resources flow smoothly to where they’re needed most. Your kind offer of assistance is greatly appreciated, and I’ll be sure to reach out if collaboration would help us move forward.
Take care, and may Deux continue to bless and guide your efforts.
Jill Xi, PharmD, Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta Med Force Enterprises
NCC Minister of Foreign Affairs Magister Yuri Orlov
Greetings again Jill:
What you tell surprises me. It's curious that MFE food shipments aren't reaching settlements in Pygar even though you've increased production. Indeed it could be due to the lack of transports, if lately you're having to send them to Corfu on a single ship.
However, if that's the case, I could understand that fewer MFE products were being received currently, but... none at all? I mean, the Paste that you send is easily identifiable by the image of the caduceus on the packages, so I doubt it's possible that it's being confused with another one that's being sent from somewhere else. Also, like I said, it seems the freshness and quality of the product the settlers are receiving is different from yours.
In addition, to be honest I've also received complaints of food shortages in general, so I suspect that not only MFE shipments are disappearing. The hoarding of food by some of the settlers could be an explanation, but I wonder how they do it. I know that shipments that delivered by freighter from Corfu or other places to Pygar end up at distribution centers located in each settlement, where each resident then collect their assigned share of the rations. These centres are monitored by local authorities, theoretically, and in any case, I also cannot understand how a few robberies by some poor devils can be affecting the supply to that extent.
I find all this worrying, Jill. If despite the efforts being made people start recurrently to go hungry, it could lead to a mass exodus of colonists from the planet. We all have worked hard to make Pygar something of a home for the many Zoner refugees from all over Sirius, and it would be heartbreaking to see it all disappear in the blink of an eye.
I appreciate that you propose to investigate what's happening, I'll do the same with the means at my disposal. We must tackle this situation before it becomes irreversible.
May Deux bless you all.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs House of the Magisters NCC Curia
Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Magister Yuri Urlov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - New Covenant Church
CC ..................... Med Force Internal
Subject .......... Re: MFE food deliveries
Dear Yuri,
Thank you for your message and for sharing your concerns. I agree that the situation on Pygar is troubling, and I appreciate your commitment to addressing it.
MFE will launch an internal investigation into why our shipments have not been reaching Pygar settlements despite increased production. While we work to uncover the root cause, we are also planning immediate action to ensure deliveries resume efficiently:
Acquiring a Freighter: MFE will prioritize acquiring a dedicated freighter to facilitate planetary deliveries directly to Pygar. This will allow us to bypass Corfu as a freight distribution point and coordinate shipments directly with NCC for better accountability.
Interim Arrangements: Until a freighter is available, I propose a temporary solution. MFE can arrange a shipment to Corfu while coordinating with NCC for a direct pickup. This way, the goods can avoid being stored at Corfu and will go straight to NCC, ensuring they remain fresh and reach the settlers promptly.
On another note, we have not yet observed signs of an exodus from Pygar. Settlers visiting the Academy for treatment and emergency care express concern, but they remain willing to return to their homes on the planet. This resilience is reassuring, but it underscores the urgency of resolving the food supply challenges before they escalate.
I have included MFE internal in this channel, as my capacity as Academy Director limits what I can address alone.
Lastly, I was thinking of whether you could ask for your assistance by reaching out to the Corsairs? They may have a freighter in the system that could be deployed faster than we can acquire one. Their help with deliveries could be instrumental in stabilizing the situation.
Thank you again for your efforts and collaboration. Together, I’m confident we can address this issue and ensure the settlers on Pygar receive the support they need.
Warm regards,
Jill Xi, PharmD, Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta Med Force Enterprises
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NCC Minister of Foreign Affairs Magister Yuri Orlov
Good morning dear Jill.
There is no need to thank anything. We're in this together and committed to solving whatever comes our way, as we've done so far. It's our duty, and we'll fulfill it.
I think the idea of using Faith Haven as a reception and distribution center for MFE food shipments could work. I still need to discuss this with the other members of the Curia and with His Holiness, but it will be a formality. I've no doubt that we'll all be in agreement on this issue.
The Church has some freighters who can pick up the shipments you send to Corfu and take them to Faith Haven, while you acquire the means to be able to deliver them yourselves. Then they can make atmospheric trips to other settlements to move the Synth Paste packages to local distribution centers.
We also have a couple of heavily armoured ground ambulances that our emergency medical team uses to perform surface rescues in severe storm conditions. If necessary we could even use them to reach some settlements near Faith Haven, in situations where the weather was horrible and air delivery had to be cancelled.
This at least it will ensure that MFE food reach their destinations. We'll see if this solves the problem of scarcity. If not... well, at least we'll have ruled out some possible sources of it.
As for the request you make of me to contact the Corsairs, take it for granted. I'll get in touch with the new Executor, Mr. Herrera, to see if he can help us out with this.
Deux be with you.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs House of the Magisters NCC Curia
NCC Minister of Foreign Affairs Magister Yuri Orlov
Good evening Jill.
I'm contacting again to inform you that our freighters have started bringing your food shipments from Corfu to Faith Haven. The first 500 units of Synth Paste have just landed in our colony just a few minutes ago, I just saw it live from my office. I'll attach to this communication the delivery notes for the purchase in Corfu and the arrival to our warehouses, but I prefer that you check it yourself...
*Orlov manipulates a remote control and disappears from the screen, giving way to another image.*
*After a few seconds of visualization, Orlov reappears on the scene.*
That Voyager is one of five owned by the Church that will now be making the route regularly until you are able to deliver by yourself. In any case, after that happens our ships can also continue to loading food directly from the Academy. This will speed up the process, and besides, we don't really need those freighters at all right now. They belong to the Pontifical Guard and are supposedly assigned for transport troops, but well... We have nowhere to transport them for now, so those ships will be better doing food deliveries instead of collecting dust in a hangar.
And speaking of freighters. As you requested me, I contacted Executor Herrera and asked for help. He assured me that would assign a ship with a pilot to make the deliveries to Faith Haven, so I assume you'll hear from him soon. I hope this serves as a patch until you finish acquiring your own freighter.
Lastly, regarding the problem of food shortage in Pygar, I've begun my own investigations as I promised you. I haven't come to any definitive conclusions yet, and I don't want to make any premature judgments but I believe that rather than shortage, it's a case of disappearance. I've no idea how this is happening but from what I've found out, food shipments from Corfu are reaching the settlements correctly. So the only thing I can think of is that they might be disappearing... once on land. That's all I can tell you for now, and I'll continue gathering information to get to the bottom of this.
I don't want to take up any more of your time. As soon as I find out anything new, I'll let you know.
Regards, and Deux be with you.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs House of the Magisters NCC Curia
NCC Minister of Foreign Affairs Magister Yuri Orlov
Greetings Jill.
Just a quick update on the status of your food delivery. As I informed you a few days ago, our freighters are already taking and storing your Synth Paste at our Faith Haven warehouses. We already have a considerable number of units, and we've started distributing them this morning.
We would have liked to have started yesterday, but a class 7 electromagnetic storm made any atmospheric flight within the planet impossible. Today, however, the white dwarf has dawned quite clear, with no electromagnetic anomalies around Pygar and winds not exceeding 130 kilometres per hour on average, so our pilots have been able to make the first delivery trip.
*Yuri points at the screen with a remote control, and fades out of the scene to make way for a sequence of images, while he continues speaking from the background.*
Today's target was New New La Gomera, a rather miserable settlement in the northern part of the Juno Sea, where one of our Voyagers landed at 8:32 a.m. local time. The population is less than a thousand inhabitants, and they live exclusively from collecting scrap metal and making consumer goods out of it, which they then sell at their local market. They also have a small cinnabar mine, which they melt down and use to make some rudimentary electronic devices.
As you can imagine, they're strong and tough people, accustomed to suffering and to thrive with very little. Lately I've received some news that they were experiencing food shortages, so we got in touch yesterday, and we agreed to take them a shipment in one of our freighters today, loaded with your Synth Paste.
The crew of our ship, along with some members of the Pontifical Guard who have come with them on board, have disembarked unarmed and have taken care of unloading Paste's cargo. Afterwards they have presented themselves to the local councillor in charge of the administration who has come out to greet them. As far as I have been informed, the man seemed tremendously relieved to see the ship with its cargo, and he has told the sergeant in command of the mission that New New La Gomera has been going through a few rather bad weeks. The food distribution centre of the settlement has been noticing shortages, and has had to implement stricter rationing than desired, which has angered the civilian population. There have been some small riots, which the sheriff and her two deputies have had to contain, and the councillor expected things to get worse if more food didn't arrive.
With the help of some of the settlement's workers, the pallets of food have been moved to the entrance hall of the settlement, now underground, where a strict count of the number of packages delivered has been made, and the delivery notes have been signed.
As you know, each of the packages contains 40 boxes of Synth Paste. Each box and package has been laser-sealed and renumbered once it has arrived at our hangars in Faith Haven, and this new numbering has been recorded in our databases in order to keep an accurate count. No box has the same number as another, so we will always be very clear about what we have delivered.
The local authorities of the settlement have also been asked to retain the piece of each box on which the seal and number appear, to return it to us when we come back to the colony with more shipments. It may seem a little strict, but above all, we want to make sure that the exact amount that each settlement receives is recorded. As I told you last time, I have reason to believe that food is disappearing once it is delivered to the settlements, so all caution is needed.
Once the count was completed, our staff helped load the food onto wagons that the locals have brought expressly for transport. They then accompanied council workers and sheriff's men in escorting the food through the settlement until the distribution facility. Once there, the packages were deposited in the storehouse, a place which, as far as our men have seen, is a mere shed with a metal door that can be locked with a padlock. Anyone with a crowbar, a little strength, and a little more need could open it and go in to take whatever they wanted.
However, the sergeant has asked the sheriff if she had noticed any theft of the stored supplies and she has said that she was not aware of any such thing. In the absence of more evidence, we can only take her word as true, and hope that this time the settlers will receive the food and stop going hungry.
After verifying that all the merchandise was now in the possession of the council staff, our men began their return to the ship. In that moment, the sirens of the colony had already started to sound, calling the population to carry out the distribution. Apparently, there were rather happy faces, and comments have been heard thanking MFE for sending their Synth Paste again. It seems that today our organizations have made life a little easier for these poor people.
*Orlov appears again on the screen, with a smile.*
Don't worry Jill, I've no intention of giving you a personal report of every delivery mission we carry out, but I wanted to let you know that our little plan has already begun. From now on, we'll contact some settlements every day and make some deliveries. We'll try to prioritize those that we see have more urgent food needs. I think that little by little together, and with the help of Our Lord, we'll solve this problem.
Take care of yourself, and Deux be with you.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs House of the Magisters NCC Curia