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translating... calling terminal: Konstrukteur Grimwald...
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Guten Tag Herren und Damen of Gallic National Intelligence,
This is Konstrukteur Grimwald engineer of Weiss Shipping. As part of Imperial Shipping, formerly also known as RGS we are mostly working in logistics in and around Rheinland. We also reached out in the past to get licensed to ferry certain restricted cargo to and from Gallia for mutual economic benefit of both Houses. I am reaching out to you due to our employee's rising interest in Gallic Technology.
Acquiring Gallic Civilian equipment from Wildau Station offered us more versatility and adaptation for our logistic fleet, hereby I mention Engines specifically as those have proven to be a great alternative compared to our Rheinland VP-Type Engines.
And as someone managing equipment repair, acquisition and substitution it falls into my responsibility to engage in communication with the House of Gallia and it's authorities for this matter at hand.
A few specific questions gave birth to this Vox.
►We're looking to purchase a Gallic Liner of the "Lucullus"-Class in the near future. Would there be any mandatory procedure for us, being a Corporation of another House looking forward to use your House technology?
►As Imperial Shipping and RGS had pasts that were connected not only to logistics but also ship building we would be interested into visiting your facilities which pursue the aforementioned purpose. Learning not only from the house you are residing in but also looking outwards to the world will result in strife and technological strife is what moves Sirius as a sector forwards. Rambouillet Shipyard would be a target of interest for us as it's the manufacturer of many of Gallia's House own Vessels. Learning from the Gallic Craftsmen how you proceed in manufacturing ships of larger classes would help us in offering service to those vessels and equpiment within and around Rheinland space.
We kindly request permission to visit Gallia's sites for ship construction to acquire the knowledge needed to offer service to Ships of Gallic Origin.
►I specifically would like to arrange a trip for my Repair and Service Team to the Battleship Montreuil as it would be a great point of interest due to its past and now current state of being used as a historical learning site. While I understand that its rather unlikely that being a visitor to a museum is unlikely to require specific permission of the House of Gallia I will still ask if it's possible to look and study the Triomphant-class not only from the historical perspective but from the technical viewpoint as we are after all not people of Gallia but of Rheinland.
Meine Herren und Damen, you have my gratitude for taking the time to listen to our request.
We look forward to your answer.
Mit verbindlichen Grüßen, Konstrukteur Grimwald.
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Weiss; Was muss, dass muss
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Name: Duke Identification: Gallic National Intelligence Encryption access:EYES ONLY Location:REDACTED Subject: Multiple Requests
Monsieur Grimwald,
My apologies for the late response, but we were busy confirming several facts before we formulated our reply. In addition, one of our technicians had to seek medical attention after the text of your post blinded them. Regardless, allow me to respond to your requests in the order that you put them forward.
The acquisition of a Lucullus-class Liner should be of no issue, and according to reports there are several currently in refit at Sarcelles Shipping Facility that are available for purchase by the public.
While we appreciate your desire to visit Gallic shipyards to observe our construction practices, Rambouillet is a Navy operated facility and practices there are highly classified. Fortunately, your engineers are welcome to visit Haute-Seine in Picardy, and the shipwrights there are second to none in the civilian sector of Gallic shipbuilding.
Access to the Montreuil is open to the public, but the vast majority of the ship's internals have been stripped out to convert it into a museum, and I have doubts that you would be able to learn much of value from inspecting such an old ship. You're welcome to send a delegation there regardless, of course, the museum staff is always happy to educate Sirians about the history of Gallia.
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here at your convenience.
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Guten Tag Duke,
I appreciate your sense of humour, a rare sight within Sirius as most take themselves too serious.
I thank you on behalf of the company. While it is a shame that we are not able to visit Rambouillet the crews of Haute-Seine will be able to meet us in the future.
The Montreuil while now serving behold it's former life as a museum sill has it's charm in tact to this day. It's the older generation that inspired the current one.
As of now there are no further requests from my side.
Mit verbindlichen Grüßen, Konstrukteur Grimwald.
End of Line
Weiss; Was muss, dass muss
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UID: ████...
translating... calling terminal: Konstrukteur Grimwald...
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Displaying Feed
Greetings Duke,
My team did stumble upon something while sorting the our files for Gallia House Trade, the visible is visible in me reaching out to you once more using this already established channel.
In the past Weiss requested to receive permit for trading within Gallic House Space, in our past request we asked if we could also be licensed to supply Macon. Our Union contact suggested we reach out to Gallic National Intelligence but the past person in charge on our end never reached out to actually request it.
So I will ask you for our Company, is it possible for Weiss Shipping to be a permitted partner for supplying towards Gallic National Intelligence Bases?
This Request includes:
►Calais Research Facility
►Evreux Research Facility
►Macon Base
►Melun Research Institution
We request you inform us if any of the aforementioned is within possible parameters.
Mit verbindlichen Grüßen, Konstrukteur Grimwald.
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Weiss; Was muss, dass muss
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Name: SENDER Identification: Gallic National Intelligence Encryption access:EYES ONLY Location:REDACTED Subject: Base Access
While I certainly cannot approve for your ships to dock on Evreux or Melon, we might be able to make allowances for Macon or Calais, though docking on either base would require extensive security protocols, which I will list below.
All ships delivering to GNI facilities must disable any and all recording systems.
Any ship's crew that need to disembark will not leave the immediate area of the docking bay they are allowed into.
We will provide your ship's crews with a rest area, and also provide basic supplies while all cargo is unloaded.
We will also provide a liaison officer for the duration of your stay, any needs outside of those already provided can be directed to them.
Failure to comply with the above stipulations will result in the offending party being detained until we feel they can be safely released.
If that all looks acceptable to you and your people, then you can respond here and the dockmaster on the appropriate base will be notified to keep an eye out for your ship.
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translating... calling terminal: Konstrukteur Grimwald...
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Displaying Feed
Greetings Duke,
I confirm your terms. I will inform the company of the procedures that are mandatory to be followed to ensure a cordial standing between Gallic National Intelligence and Weiss Shipping.
I will brief the ships which generate the most traffic for Weiss in Gallic House space first about being able to access certain docking facilities of Macon and Calais. There won't be an issue.
Mit verbindlichen Grüßen, Konstrukteur Grimwald.
End of Line
Weiss; Was muss, dass muss
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