The situation you described tazuras, might be a problem. But I can think of situations, where this might be necessary.
1. OOC? I wait outside a guard system and I adress a pm to a player inside the guard system to ask for free access to this system.
2. How does a bounty hunter hunt down a ship, without knowing where it is?
3. How do you trap a smuggler, if you don`t know his current route and location?
4. If I look for an escort, I have to send a message to other players. If I actually had to meet the escort before I could talk to him, I would never be able to find one.
5. If I am 30k away from Manhatten with a cardamine load and I need a scout to check the docking trafiic, would it be out of character to adress a player in this system? Do I have to meet someone and risk to get caught?
' Wrote:Ok, I get your point. The situation you described might be a problem. But I can think of situations, where this might be necessary.
1. OOC? I wait outside a guard system and I adress a pm to a player inside the guard system to ask for free access to this system.
2. How does a bounty hunter hunt down a ship without knowing where it is?
3. How do you set a trap for a trader, if you don`t know his current route and location?
4. If I look for an escort I have to sent a message to other players. If I actually had to meet the escort before I could talk to him, I would never be able to find one.
1. Not possible to know where he is. If you know their name and what organization they belong to from past experience, RP using the FTL broadband communication that your ship has.
2. This must be RPed. They need people to tip them off or they have some powerful monitoring and scanning devices.
3. Like #2. But this is more of a "I'm gonna' sit here until somethin' comes along" thing.
4. Once again with the FTL broadband.
I have to know the a pilot, to be able to adress him without actually meeting him.
3. Escorts check jumpholes before the smuggler follows and an escort can scout 15k ahead of the smuggler. You would never be able to catch a team like this if you just sit there and wait.