New Transmission Comm ID:Tiberius Walker Source:Battleship Yukon, California
This is Liberty Security Force, Department Director Tiberius Walker addressing Piracy bands and 'criminal' organization's within Liberty.
For decades we have fought, for dreams we have died, and for valor we have lived. But the Valorous join the Dreamer's eventually, and I too am passing away. I've seen struggles between us that pale in comparison to any war; I've seen rage, I've seen torment, I've seen suffering... I've seen everything.
Tell me... Tell me... Why do you wage to combat? Is what you fight against even here? Was it here? Will it be here?
We have done this with fire... Allow us now to this as men; So that others may live.
Transmission Terminated.
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive
I have flown with both pirates and lawfuls of Liberty. I admire your passion to bring to peace to your part of space and it is a vision at least forseen once by all men. We are defined by how long we hold onto that vision, and you Commander seem to hold it deerely. Even I held it for some time as a possibility, but it is in our nature. Hatred spawns from hate in such wars as these. Unforgiven and unforgiving offences have taken place on both sides and none have the heart or capability to overlook their own matters at hand. It is only because your time is coming Commander that you find yourself in a position to speak of peace, little occupies and concerns you in terms of matters of warfare of the present day. It has not dissapeared but has simply faded in terms of severity in your mind. I am not here to point the finger or shame anyone, but I know this. The Liberty have endured and have not forgiven the unjust piracy and crime inflicted by the Rogues, Xenos and Junkers; and The Liberty 'Criminals' have not forgiven the demise of their wingmen. Nobody can remeber how or who started it in the first place, but each side has a gruesome portrait of the other pasted on their propaganda. The laws and rules that both sides institute cannot be mixed to produce a stable community. It is because you are so different that you cannot co-exist peacefully. Take away that hate and a possibility of peace may arise, but this is a puzzle I leave to you to solve.
New Transmission Comm ID:Tiberius Walker Source:Library of Liberty, Manhattan
Eight Hundred Years Ago, our forefather's set forth from Sol to find a new land where they may live in peace, safe from the prejudice and destruction... The War lasted for years and ravaged Sol until the once beautiful Earth was hardly capable of supporting life. And it lasted so long that nobody even knew why we where fighting it...
Are we to go back upon our past mistakes and watch as we let the unraveling of Sirius commence?
You speak of unforgivable actions, so much was lost... how can it be returned?
You want the principal of equivalent exchange, yet what was lost was priceless - And you mourn and lament over the fallen.
But tell me this, in the War that burned devoured our homeland, did not billions die so that we may live here? How many more must die for the offenses of the arriviste? You may have lost your beloved to the fires of fanaticism, but has not our ancestors sacrificed everything so that we may live today in a better place? And as we strive for vengeance to honor the fallen, we simultaneously trample under our feet the unfathomable sacrifice of old.
Transmission Terminated.
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive