Does anybody have either all the UTF audio decompressed or a tool that can do this as a batch? There is UTF Editor but that does not provide a simple method of exporting all the tracks in one go, every entry must be done so manually. This would take a very long time although it's possible of course that somebody has already done it.
The reason I ask is because I find it somewhat annoying (call me pedantic, but it just irritates me for some reason) that many NPC announcements get cut off because the speech is invalid, for example the NPCs don't have dialogue for new systems, stations and factions. In a lot of cases this can be fixed by cutting and pasting pieces of dialogue from one track to another. In fact, I speculate the possibility that there is unused audio which would suffice in many cases, such as speech for every number through a range by every voice actor, this might allow for creating audio for "Tau-65", for example. Another good example is that of the Freelancer NPCs; "Freelancer" is commonly used when referring to players so the audio is already there to apply to the Freelancer NPCs instead of using the Zoner audio.
If anybody does indeed have all the relevant audio decompressed into standard format (I think it is originally MPEG), I might be inclined to do some work in this area to create relevant sounds. Or maybe somebody has already done some work on this?
There is a program that unpacks / repacks utf files called XMLUTF.exe and UTFXML.exe both are contained in the that is listed at Starport ( link below )
When unpacking the utf files, the audio files are usually in windows media format ( wav ), I also found a program that allows you to edit these files called audacity;
Be aware that installing audacity and using it to lower the volume, as opposed to cropping the files, will also lower the volume of ALL system files, so use with extreme caution.
Having Freelancer NPCs called "Freelancer" isn't a problem, even without extracting the UTF files. You just change a line in faction_prop.ini to
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_gd_player
It just wasn't used in Discovery because it could confuse matters. Right now if you hear "Freelancer", you know it's a player.
Of course, that doesn't invalidade your request in general. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that, sorry. I hope the program for extracting UTFs posted above helps.