**Incoming Transmission**
To: The Junker Congress leaders
From Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industry
Message reads:
My deepest apologies. As of late OSI has found it needed escort pilots to help us combat the nomad threat. After getting no bites with regular Zoners, I widened my parameters to include Merc ID'ed ships. While they make great escorts, they tend to do other things on their off time. Like take bounties. I had heard about their first action by Robin Green and cautioned him to that was not what I hired him for. Then once his friend applied thing, as you well know went down hill fast.
Once I learned that they were going to be spending all their off time tracking down folks to kill, I decided it was time to cancel their contract. I never thought that this was going to be the result of dealing with mercenaries. We are a small firm at the moment and do not need nor want to make any enemies. The junkers, like Zoners live a free life style and I would never support the persecution of any faction, well except the dang squids. We here at OSI have one goal, to keep the supplies flowing into the deep freeports so our folks can live as well as they can. I have stopped accepting Merc ID'ed pilots and will not never be accepting them again. Thankfully we have some true Zoner recruits ready to begin over the next week.
I hope that we can come to some form of mutual agreement and let this matter not define our future relationship. If any restitution needs made because of the actions of those in my employ please let me know
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
Looks like we have a bit in common. We are indeed a faction that enjoys a free life style and like you we pride ourselves on being able to make some very difficult deliveries. I am happy to hear how you have dealt with this matter and even more happy to meet someone who is willing to deal with such issues in a rational manner. I have used mercs from time to time myself so I am aware of how unpredictable they can be. I've never been one to hold a faction responsible for the actions of a few who run astray. That being said, I consider the matter closed. Clear skies to you.