Comm ID: Melliar, Determinance Corvo Cruiser, Freeport 9.
Subject: Requesting buying license of a gunship, Claymore class.
That vessel of yours is a rare beauty, I seen one and my heart skiped a beat. This is exactly what I need to build a fast response unit and assign it to Freeports deffense.
If it is as agile as it looks then she would be an amazing asset in the ZRT fleet. This is meant to be a defensive ship and a fast intervention one. And a Zoner vessel with all that it implies.
Would you be so kind as to consider allowing me a test drive on one at a place of your choice and give me the clearance to acquire one of these amazing vessels to be assigned as guardian to one of our Freeports ?
I can give you my word, bot as a Zoner and human, that the ship will never be used to arm Gaia in any way.
I will now be waiting impatiently your clearance to feel the agility of that superb vessel that will be named acordingly to her origins.