It reads at an Infocard in Minnesota that Universal Shipping does all the tansports of Gate-Lane-Parts from Ageira bases to -any- construction site.
Yet US is not allowed according to its own ID to lawfully transport it.
DSE is doing that nowadays.
Next is, that US is also listed as the -one- profiteur from the Colorado silver rush.
And again, DSE got the mining bonus for silver, not US.
So DSE got all what US should have.
Is there -any- explanation for that?
Infocard of St. Pauls Base:
"Saint Paul base is the Minnesota home of the Kings of Fighters, who subcontract under the banner of Universal Shipping, one of the Big Three family of Liberty companies that also includes Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering. Universal Shipping made its fortune by gambling on shipping silver from California to Colorado for use in terraforming Los Angeles, long before Jump Gates and Trade Lanes reduced the risk of transporting goods over such long distances. Universal then cemented its reputation as the premiere Liberty shipping company in 181 A.S. by signing a contract to handle all shipping between Ageira Technologies facilities and Deep Space Engineering construction sites."
Universal not being able to ship qate/lane parts is lame, agreed.
The other stuff, it's a compromise. DSE is a 'producer' faction. Only Universal really does a lot of inter-house shipping in Liberty. But being in DSE, or some other liberty faction, would be boring if you couldn't trade goods. you wouldn't make money or really do much.
DSE get the mining bonus because Universal only shipped the silver from colorado to california.
Basically, to make it more enjoyable for all corps, they're all allowed to ship the stuff they make, even though in RP, only the big shipping companies really do that. The big shipping companies still get to ship it all, but sometimes there are oversights, like Universal not being allowed to move gate/lane parts.
I see your point.
Agreed on the mining part.
Universal was the mover there, not the miner, that would have been DSE.
Well, dont want to take it away from DSE, would just like to see an additional line in the US ID to lawfully transport Gate-Lane-Parts.
Maybe just include it with one of the next updates.