//setting.char\\ is hearby warned due to a report posted on 3 August for :
6.1 Every player must have an ID equipped on his or her ship. Players under level 40 might use Civilian IDs (basic IDs sold on every station), characters who reach level 40 must choose an NPC faction to ally and get the ID of this faction, or get a generic ID.
All ship and ID choices must be in accordance with current parameters at all times.
A nasty-gram is in the hold of one of your ships.
Comments / Instructions :
It is not ok to fly a zoner destroyer with a civilian ID. A warning this time, next time unpleasant things will happen.
This is a role play server. Develop your characters through role play (or if you really have to setup a ship in a completely OORP way then don't get caught - the name //setting.char\\ kind of draws attention.).