I've decided to buy GRN Valor (indy). I want to know:
Where to post character RP
How many characters (crew members) should I make
What sort of in-game RP to perform
Please post if you would like to RP with me
Should take max 2 weeks to get the battleship. RL reasons for getting it are 1) it's awesome looking, 2) it is a status symbol, 3) it is monstrously powerful, 4) Gallic bship weapons, and most importantly 5) I want to be able to try out a new kind of RP which I have never done before and see how my RP can evolve as more of Gallia is introduced.
As a side note, I will be subordinate to all GRN| faction players within reason (not taking the bship into NY).
Generally, depending on the length, you'd put the RP in Stories or Character Biographies. There are a lot of different ways to do a Battleship RP in-game; a lot of people choose to RP multiple crewmen at one time, but I generally do things with one person doing all the talking (with occasional burst-ins by other characters). After all, the only person you're going to hear on the comms are the guy working the Comm station or the Captain.
I wouldn't like to RP with you, because I don't go to Gallia...sorry. D:
Just be aware, BS are an unbelievable pain to fight with.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen