A young man stood on a observation platform peering out over the loading dock below, there were at least Fifty people and machines moving equipment back and fourth. This was a unusual site for the people of Gran Canaria, There was a crowd of teenage school kids gathering at the gate trying to get a glimpse of what had taken over there schools luxury liner docking bay, but they couldn't see past the cloaking field, some of them even tried to break in to take a quick peak but they never got past the armed guards. The man looked out at them and envied them, they had gotten to live in a peaceful environment. He suddenly had a idea and moved back into his quarters and sent out a wave to his friend, then he threw a pair of blue jeans on with a black and gray T-shirt and a Black hooded jacket.
"Alright kid, I don't know how exactly you got in here, but its time to get back to school."The tosses a young man out the door into the crowd of school kids, he shifted his posture uneasily as the man hit the dirt."Prick." The man muttered as he got up off the ground and started to dust of his cloths. Before he knew what was going on a group of kids mobbed him with questions. "Whats in there." "How did you get in there?" "Did you see anything?" were among some of the questions which he heard, but just as suddenly he was mobbed, they were off again, backing away as a semi-old woman walked towards the man still trying to get the dirt of his clothing. "Alright back to class everyone all but you." she pointed directly at the man still not paying attention. "You, You come with me." she garbed him by arm and lead him into the main office.
She stood there peering outside the window as the students moved to their classes. "In all my years as acting principle of this school, I have never seen such disrespect from a student. They are our guests here, who ever they are and I would think one of my own students would be at least show some common respect for there privacy. Place your finger prints on that panel please."The man sat in the chair, placing his fingers on the pad in front of him. "Error. Unknown Prints.""Hmmm, so your the new kid. Alright well Log your information in here, your first day and your already off to a bad start." The man sat there entering in his details rather fast."Your data pad will show your subjects, now off with you."
He walked out into the corrode. students went about there daily lives, this all fascinated him and strangely enough he though of popularity as a sort of hierarchy, The popular kids at the top where like the leaders, and they had others that ran off and copied them, the most popular girl in school was a brunette haired female called Charlotte and the most popular guy was a Jock called Hayden a bit of a douche when others around, feels like he needs to show off. He grabbed his books and moved off to his first class, he arrives Two minutes late and still not in uniform.
He shifted to get comfortable, flipping open his Shakespeare and trying to find the appropriate chapter. Greenwood was standing at the front of the room, his suit jacket tossed aside, wearing simply his black waistcoat and rolled-up shirtsleeves that gave the old man a relaxed air, like he worked for a living and loved it.
“Good morning, class,” he rumbled, a soft spoken voice with an edge of steel. No one suspected him of being a pushover; he was one of those men who held control of his class by sheer weight of personality, and it was that which made his class the most sought over in the school.
“The Merchant of Venice is considered one of Shakespeare's problem comedies, in part due to its anti-Semitism,” Greenwood stated, resting an arm on his podium. “Now you’ve all read the play, we’ve discussed it at length, I want to know what you think.”
West chewed his lip and stuck up his hand. “Hypocrisy,” he said with a shrug. “All the way through the play Antonio and his friends are begging Shylock for mercy, yet right at the end when they have the upper hand, they show none.”
“That’s right,” Greenwood stated. “If it is a play supposedly showing the benefits of Christian ethics over evil, why then is revenge so prevalent in the closing acts?”
“What about the fact that Shylock showed none, and so shouldn’t be shown any in return?” Jenny-Lynn asked.
“That argument can be made,” Greenwood said as the auditorium doors opened to let Chris Dangen in. “Nice of you to join us," he checks the ID on his lecturn, "Mister Dangen,” he said, giving the late-comer a severe look.
“Sorry sir,” Chris said turning his back on the teacher as he walked up towards the back, smirking his usual defiant smirk.
Greenwood gave a wolfish smile, “Well now, I have a perfect chance to demonstrate Shakespearian ethics. Mister Dangen, according to the Merchant of Venice, what should I do with you?”
“Huh?” Chris asked, turning.
“Come now, Mister Dangen, you read the play, how should I punish you?” Greenwood came down off the stage and began walking up the opposite aisle till he was level with where Dangen was standing. Everyone turned to face the enigmatic English teacher.
“I…” Chris stammered.
“"The quality of mercy is not strain'd,” Greenwood quoted. “It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.” He gestured, “It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”
“R-right…” Dangen said blankly. “So can I sit down, then?”
“Ah,” Greenwood said with a smile, “Therein lies the lesson the play teaches, that though mercy and justice are juxtaposed with a divine quality…” He looked about, “Yes, that’s God for all you out there wondering if I can actually get away with speaking about God in a classroom, and I am just pointing out that is what Shakespeare is saying.” He turned back to Dangen, “But in fact justice isn’t synonymous with mercy; in fact, justice in its purest form is above such a thing as mercy. So to answer your question, Mister Dangen, no you may not sit down, in fact you should remain standing until the end of class.”
Chris blinked and shifted uneasily, “But sir…”
“No buts,” Greenwood said coming back down to the front. “This is a lesson about justice as seen through the eyes of Shakespeare, who it appears believes mercy to be secondary to the letter of the law.”
“Excuse me sir,” West said putting his arm up again, “But if we are to follow the eye for an eye suggestion put forth in the text, shouldn’t Dangen have to only remain standing for an equal amount of time he was late?”
“The villany you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard, but I will better the instruction,” Greenwood fired back at West.
West knew he had been singled out, and he glanced back at Dangen, knowing that he would have to fight for this one. He stood and tapped the play book in his hand, “My deeds upon my head! I crave the law.”
“He is well paid that is well satisfied,” Greenwood gestured to Chris.
“Ahh,” West said as Jenny-Lynn turned pages. At a look from Greenwood she stopped, and West folded his arms, trying to remember how the passage went from memory, “The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with the concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.”
“That is an unusual counter, Mister Harding,” Greenwood replied. “What made you choose that one?”
West shrugged, “I… it made sense to show you that trust is earned by deeds, and to have faith in you, we need to know you are fair.”
Greenwood waggled his hand, “That is a weak interpretation, but I can see what you are saying, Mister Harding, that I am defined by my deeds. Very well then, Mister Dangen, you may sit in,” he glanced at his watch, “four minutes, and you owe Mister Harding for your defence.”
“Thanks West,” Dangen replied with a grin.
West sat back down thankfully, as Jenny-Lynn nodded to him, “Nice.”
The 4 minutes passed and Chris was allowed to take a seat. He moved to the rear of the class, where the only empty desk sat.
"Your lucky West there is a complete nerd.. who actually read all this..." Daniel Greyson whispered from his desk next to where Chris sat. "Old woody would have kept you up there for the entire class."
Daniel seemed like an average student, he wore a dark navy uniform, which wasn't buttoned all the way up. His hair was slightly messy, unlike most of the other students who kept their appearances as clean as possible.
"I'm Daniel.." he snicked a bit before turning back to his book.
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust
He looked at the guy who had just spoken to him a little scruffy doesn't really use all of his brain just the bare minimum he needs to, to get by. Scruffy and probably is a more down to earth person, no real enemies and only trusts those that he knows well, he would be the type of person to have information on most of the key people in groups. He looked closely at what he was wearing then every one else around him, they had a uniform. Navy Blazer, white shirt, blue and red tie, black pants and suit shoes. If there was one thing he hated more then killing it was wearing a uniform. Names Christopher. He spoke under his breathe while he got the books and such ready on his desk. He opened one of his books and wrote a reminder. Thank West. He activated the data pad contact lens on his eyes; he made slight hand movements as he searched though the data bases. Information to find out who exactly who was this Shakespeare person. He muttered some words low enough so that only he could hear. Personal data bank, keyword Shakespeare. He didn't have to wait very long before he got answers. No data available.
He stayed behind at the end of the class as the other students left; he already had a little profile in his head of the Professor. He loved to be in control, does not respect slackers, enjoys there job and challenge for the rewards and he rules by intellect, mentally strong as well. This was from observing his posture and his style of speech; he was yet to look into the eyes of the man to really find out what would make him tick. The Professor started to walk towards him. While Mr Wood walked towards him he wrote a little a little passage.People may be define by there deeds, but its there past is what shapes them in to what they are.The Professor looked at him weirdly and he didn't know why, then he remembered he still had his contact data pad on making both his eyes glow black, he quickly turned it off. He didn't worry about the Professor seeing the contact, as that type of tech was only seen in the LSF and where his people were. The Professor reached him.Hello Sir.He thought it best to keep it formal.