Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Aurelia Silvan
Recipient(s): Open Transmission
The Council of Zoners has finished voting on the matter, and decided in favor of removing all docking permission for Apocalypse vessels at Zoner stations.
This decision comes from the repeated offenses by the Apocalypse vessels over the past two weeks. Including No-Fire Zone violations on several occasions, direct attacks on Zoner vessels, and unauthorized use of Zoner equipment and refusal to return said equipment when requested by the Zoners.
Apocalypse was given a lot of leniency, as we knew they had nowhere else to go, after being banished from the Bounty Hunters Guild, though with good reason. But even we will not tolerate the repeated insults towards the Zoners and towards our leniency for them.
Apocalypse will not be granted the right to dock Zoner stations until all of the following terms are met;
1.) Removal of all Zoner equipment being used on any Apocalypse vessels.
2.) A successful diplomatic negotiation with the Bounty Hunters Guild Core, resulting in the Apocalypse being readmitted into the guild.
3.) A majority vote by the Council of Zoners to allow Apocalypse to dock Zoner stations again.