...incomming message...
Comm ID: Globalo, elder of The Brotherhood.
Hola senors and senoritas. I have one thing on hearth, that can not wait any longer.
Yesterday, in our home system, few things happened. But i will talk only about one of them. and name of that thing is: BOMBARDER.
I dont know who is captain of that ship, and i will not know it better, but what i will know, why he ignored orders from corsair elder.
Or better, i will not know why he ignored them, I will be sure that he will not enter omicron gamma anymore.
recall him back please, or i send him in pieces.
Where we are when someone who is on visit is ignoring direct orders from elder of nation where he is ???
When one time, ok, i say it can happend in fight, but this was not one time. he was ordered maybe 5-6 times...
and my patience is over.
so, call him back, and use him against hunters, nomads, libertonians, i dont care. But when i meet him in gamma, well. it will hurt.
...incomming message...
Comm ID: Globalo, elder of The Brotherhood.
First order was to stop firing on our enemies using only fighters. yes, only figthers, nothing bigger or stronger, while in the same time our fighters was shooting at them.
second and third was the same
fourth order was to leave the battlefield
next was :leave the system after ignoring all previous orders
and last was the same as previous after he destroyed one fighter ship of our enemy.
you know, maybe you are wondered why i am asking this when he was shooting at our enemies, not us, but you must understand. corsairs are people with big honour. and i find nothing honourable about using carrier against fighters without any bomber support....
The Captain of the BOMBARDER disregarded my own, as well as Elder Global's orders to disengage his Carrier from a between a wing of Outcast fighters and Crete's own defenders. During the battle, a cease fire was called by the Ros and Corsairs to discuss some of the finer points of Hispanic politics. When the fighting resumed the captain of the BOMBARDER once again disregarded orders from Corsair Elders on the scene to disengage.
Now, this is becoming a bit of a problem, in general. I would appreciate a communique from the Order primary fleet to any Order ships operating in Corsair space that they must obey tactical orders from the ranking Corsair in battles. Too often recently, Order pilots have been causing problems in Corsair space. During the same incident described above several Order fighter pilots who to their credit did not engage after ordered not to, contributed to a general atmosphere of disorder, constantly arguing and commenting over system wide channel with both the Corsairs and Outcast ships in the system. When trying to prosecute an engagement, as I am sure the Order well knows, the more extraneous radio chatter, the more the chance for important information to be missed. When asked to withdraw from the system, these Order ships refused to do so.
Why the Order is a highly valued ally and long time friend, we cannot abide by this type of distraction during combat engagement, as I am sure you would feel the same if the shoe were on the other foot. Now, I am not sure if Omicron Gamma is part of the normal patrol routes for the Order, but either way, I ask you give a firm warning and strict orders to those Order ships operating in Omicron Gamma... If I feel one of these ships is risking my men again, I will not hesitate to destroy the vessel.
Thank you for your time in this matter.
Generalissimo Miguel Sephardi, Leader of The Corsair Brotherhood, Elder in Exile of the Corsair Council
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Admiral Kaylee Staite, Order High Command
-Begin Transmission-
"Greetings, honored Elders. I have one question before we proceed... was the specific identification tag of the vessel BOMBARDER or Order|BOMBARDER? If he was not registered as a vessel of the primary fleet, then this is a High Command issue first and foremost."
"This will be discussed among the Order High Command, and we'll deal with him. Issues like this seem to be cropping up more and more among the secondary fleet and, as I'm sure you'll agree, such behavior is unacceptable. Admiral Staite out."
..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order Primary Fleet ::..
..:: Neuronal Identification : Rear Admiral Tovig Kelt ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..
Greetings Elder Globalo.
Sadly, we already heard about this rebellious captain of the Bombarder.
When a ship of the secondary fleet is in Omicron Gamma, he is of course, under the directs orders of the Elders of Crete. (if no Order officer is with him, of course)
His attitude against your sovereign is unnaceptable.
In my opinion of course, you did it right, Elder Globalo. As the same situation, I will not hesitate to damage a Corsair ship in Omicron Minor who refuse to obey a direct order of the Primary Fleet.
We will try to talk, again, to the captain of the Bombarder. However, if he is doing again his really bad behavior in your capital system, I think you should have white card against him.
Thanks for your reply admiral, that is what i will hear. And of course, your words about damaging corsair ship refusing to listen orders from order pilots in minor can not be typed better.
and ramirez, yes, this is justice by corsairs.
and i am wondered why you are in this channel. you are not responsible order member...