Falling slowly in and out consciousness, as I drift on in a crippled fighter in a dark void, long after the battle had been won and our enemies have been annihilated. I feel my skin becoming numb to the cold of space. I see a bright light ahead out in the distance.
I bat my eyes, though the light shines brighter even than a thousand suns. A soft voice in my recesses of my subconscious speaks. "Do not be afraid child, for you have walked through the valley of death and I am your Shepard, fear no evil, for I am with you always. Remember my son, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap.You still have a purpose in this life, now fulfill this purpose and live."
I wake up to the pitch black darkness of the cockpit bitter cold, ice formed on the inside of the canopy due to my shallow breaths. I scan the instruments, to my astonishment the ship that was once a drifting hulk is now vibrant with life...I quickly run a diagnostics of the fighter powercore, all readings are green. I lean over and turn-on the navsystem plotting a waypoint for an neutral zoner base.
I come to the realization of what I have become. All my life I served the wrong cause, for the wrong reasons..believing that ours cause was just and true. Now I know what I am, I am a Dog of War. The ones I fought and shed my blood for betrayed me, in the lasting moments of battle. Revenge is not enough for what they have done...death is not justice for their actions..God will judge their actions..I have become an Archangel of Death...God has chosen me. I have become thee vassal of his might and will..
With a tears strolling down my rough and scared face I whip through the void on a path with destiny.
His will is clear to me, my directive is just, and right, these are the end times. His will is the extermination of mankind.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap. Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me....
The End Times are here. Universal wars will erupt and traverse to every system. The once all powerful, omnipotent, and exceptionally tainted sovereign powers will crumble upon multiple worlds. Slowly world upon world will fall bring disease, death, and desolation. Ordered society will degenerate into anarchy with the rise of powerful corporations form the ashes taking the reins. Right now this is the End Times. There is no Light, only Darkness...no Hope, only Despair...no Tranquility, only War...Life, only Death...No Rest...These are the End Times...