Good evening:Dwell morning its 6 am almost. I was just wondering if I might put in a signature request I am afraid I am no good at such things so any help would be most apreciated I look forward to interesting designs.
For both sigs you dont need to use their ships in fact not having a ship makes the imagination flow I think:Dbut at your discretion I think i pref with out but i want to see what designs you fine artists can come up with anyway my two sign requests below.
1st. Signature the main one I want is of Lafiel Tarrant I really would like the signature to capture her innocence her beauty and her being Nobility of Bretonia. A little background is she is a countess; was born on cambridge and is 18 works for the foreign office for bretonia um an travels in a royal liner here is the image i use for her. Um if you need any inspiration:)look at her story or any entries i've written around the forum for her.
2nd. Signature would be for Anna Night my Interspace commerce character her ship is a GMG Whale she is a polite well mannered, benevolent, formal person she probably needs a professional look to her sigie she also has a masters degree in medicine so welcome to add that part of her life into it but she is IND her pic is below Um if you want any other piccies for her google image anna mauth her actor is felicitas
Alrighty I'll give this a shot later today. If I'm not back in two days ignore me, I'm out of town.
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