Something that seems to happen sometimes, but not often:
When I use missiles against someone who uses CMs a lot, the missiles seem to stop tracking altogether even after the guy ran out of CMs.
Thought it was my imagination for a while or some sort of exploit or cheat, but now I think its a bug because it happened with people who I dont think were cheaters.
Missiles track fine when the fight starts, then he starts using CMs, and after I see that he definately has 0 CMs left and see no CMs being dropped, the missiles simply dont track at all anymore.
Saw it 2 times on GC (1 time against a Xeno ravens talon and 1 time against several xeno rocs and eagles), 1 time on the Berlin server (against a ravens claw) and 1 time on "PTC relaxed RP" against a bounty hunter.
I use cannonball always, but it seems it affected firestalker and sidewinder aswell on one occasion, and also the CM once the bug starts occuring.
Any idea what might be causing that? Its definately not remaining CMS or their dodging. Sometimes those things just stop tracking altogether, they just fly straight even when the guy should be an easy target to home in on.