' Wrote:Great. I install freelancer: runs fine. I install the mod: runs fine. I get into discovery serve: Kick: Reason? bad installation
I get XML tags all around buttoms and descriptions, why can that be? i reinstalled the game and the mod, but they keep showing up (like, <XML tag...>). mouseover descriptions are fine... This happens in vanilla and DiscoveryFL mod.
Looks like the windows XML parser DLL's is not being used under Wine, unless you specifically makes Wine use it.
You seem to be having this error : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838959/en-us
Thanks! I downloaded winetricks and installed the XML parser from there, as installing the microsoft one without this script does not work properly. This script downloads the proper version and all that, you just have to read a bit to know what package you require.
Now i don't seem to be kicked out, will update as situation changes.