"Alright" Niklas gives in his cards and waits for the deal once more...
"Its good that the storm has finally subsided. Its been good to give my ships a spin again."
Niklas sits there for a second...puffs his cigarette and then randomly speaks out "I had this idea today comrads. A new tactic to ensure the delivery of donations to our cause. And, effectively stop all resistance from hostiles aswell.
"This is how it works...I er..made this on my ship today- its a rough drawing but itl do." He pulls our a plan and puts it on the table.
"Ok so you pick a system right...say..Stuttgart? Could be anything though."
"Wing 1 handles the ships coming in from Omega 7. When it sees a trader it tells it to stop and alerts the other wing-members. Then it asks for a small donation of about 50 100 thousand credits. Once finished he asks where it is headed politly, the trader should respond. Then wing 1 would alert the relevent wing that it is coming. That wing then asks for another donation of about 50 thousand again. It starts at any wing, and ends at any."
"So you see for the Stuttgart system using this, we could handle all of the traffic system wide! There wouldn't be a ship going in or out we didn't know about. And when the military come, they wont be able to stop us all at once. They will have to handle us one at a time, but see, if one wing is outnumbered, the others can easily assist it."
"Zat ist a brilliant idea, herr Niklas, but ze problem with it is having all of ze pilots necessary fur such an operation in space at once, und coordination might be a bit difficult. However, if we did zis sort of thing periodically, we could call in pilots as necessary und make it a sort of event, perhaps. I vould submit that to someone und have zem approve ze idea, but I think it ist gut." Klaus takes a sip of his ale.
Dagger thinks he knows best "If we take the map Niklas drew. We should have a leader in wing 2 (as it is the most likely to get attacked by Rheinland Military), that gives everyone else the orders, only that leader's word should be listened to (any person, but it has to be only 1), so if that wing does get attacked, he could say "assist needed" and everyone will come, without any questions or struggling. Otherwise it would be like "i've got a trader here, i can't come now" or something like that. We need order!". He takes his beer and goes to bed, realizing he has one too many beers.... (But Dagger still thinks he's right)
Petko looks at the plan and says " Hmm I like it it will be hard to organize uch force but we will eventualy but for now i suggest we sleep on it". Petko get off the table and goes to his Chambers.
Klaus yawns, and takes a few large gulps of his ale. "Ja, I too am somevat tired, comrades... zis has been very entertaining, but I zink I vill be going to sleep now." Klaus takes his fingers and runs them through his hair, shakes his head, sets aside his ale, and promptly falls asleep on the table. You might also notice he has a slight nosebleed, presumably from how his nose just banged up against the table. Not that another stain's out of place on the well-worn tables of the bar, of course.
Petko enters the bar he looks at window to that there are some Ion storms. He says to himself "damm those Ion Storm's". He goes to the Bartender and Asks " Why is the bar Empty ? " Bartender replay's " Ahhh sir your up early its just 05:00 am SMT" Petko Says "Ahhh figures need to watch that clock" " give me a Cup of Coffee" " Bartender " Yes sir" After 2 min Bartender calls Petko " Sir your Coffee is ready" Petko " Thanks man Leaving him a tip" He goes and sits on a table and looks at his Bomber report and at the entrance and wait's for his friends to come.
Not wery tall, middle aged man enters the bar. He looks at his watch and says: "Damn night shift!" he than looks around and shouts: " Kelner, I would like cofee! And today!" Waiter responded in the wery same way, as he was adressed: " Ja, ja! Here it is, your so anticipated coffe, comrade Rudolf!" Rudolf dishes out a pile of coins and says:" You can count it, if you want." He than heads towards the table near the window and starts stearing out in the dark void of space, without even touching his coffe.
Petko come near him and says Are you going to drink that coffee. He sits By the way my name is Petko Petko Dimitrov he stretches his arm. How are you i have t seen you here before you new. I see that your a Flieger.
Rudolf seemed a bit shocked, when he heard Petko, it looked like he woke up from a trans like state. Guten Morgen, I was just thinking something, Rudolf Raubtier is my name. He shook hands with Petko. And yes, I'm still just a Flieger. And I'll always stay, he cynically added.