You've done a good service to the Empire, hermanos. You'll find the credits in your accounts now. Additionally, Kalamata, you're bounty is worth 40 million credits, and will be paid accordingly.
Bank account: Target elluminated:Ivankuc1 Target scan: Police ID, Video data was corrupted Evidences of ellumination: [X] Payment: 5,000,000
Amigo's, my apologies for the delay in your payments- We noticed a lack of activity from the office that usually deals with the paperwork behind the scenes for this bounty board and, unfortunately, they had been locked into their office and ended up starving to death. As such, once your payments have been processed, this board will be closed till we find remove their bodies and find new workers who can handle the paperwork.
L. Vasquez
The Brotherhood
Omicron Gamma, Crete
Transmission Terminated...
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.