Attention all LSF members over the past few days i have been constructing a website and its just about done check it out and register =) Please Note: It is only about 50% done forums are up and some other things still being set up
couls u tell me how u make up a website without all the .piczo + /freewebs ,thing please? do u have to pay?
Hi man, i have a few suggestions for you if you want to make a site (a free one;)):
As far as i know, freehostia is the best free hosting provider (, awardspace isn't bad too.
Once you've signed up and made your site, you will have a subdomain: "[yourchosenname]" (or
If you want a domain, sign up at
* About freehostia: 250mb, good service (nice ticket system), PHP/Perl/CGI, dir protection, ...
Awardspace is almost as good as FH with slightly less features and 200mb space.
None of them puts ads: not now, and i hope never!:)
Both of them are pretty fast and don't go offline (i've been 2yrs with FH and i'm really satisfied)