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Dossier type: Personnel ID, profile detail.
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Dr. Marcellus, Eugen
Ph D, neural sciences, high chemistry, general physics, biology, health.
Gender: M
Blood Type: B
Up-Age: 67, standard years.
FCN: 98839-19233-FD (Special type, III)
Born of expatriate parents, originating from New Berlin, on planet Cambridge. Have received exceptional educations and graduated from the Cambridge Imperial Academy with great honors at the exceptional age of 19. While continuing studies in various fields, took contracts with the Bretonian government to lead researches on the medical field, during which time Dr. Marcellus created two new generation vaccines shielding organic beings from radiations.
Dr. Marcellus establishes himself in Hamburg, where he taught biology for 2 years at the Helmut Schmidt University of Hamburg, while working with the Federal Government on various civilian projects.
At age 24, is given the highest level of security by Federal Security to work on military medical projects of highly classified nature (see section 35, document NPS, military archives.)
Dr Marcellus leads several breakthrough in medical treatments for the Rheinland Military, along with new developments in the cybernetic field, better understanding of the human brain and a new perspective to the future of salvaging injured soldiers, psychologically or physically.
Most of Dr Marcellus earlier work with the Rheinland Military Medical Experimental Programs have since then made public, with multiple patents under his name. Unanimously the single most important man that made Rheinland medical science progress to new limits, his well-being is now rated a matter of national security. Dr Marcellus benefits a protection detail of type III, provided by Federal Security.
Dr Marcellus have been married to Dr Maria Heinz at age 32, union of which produced 2 twins, Isaak and Orel Marcellus. The family has since then moved to New Berlin.
Officially, Dr Marcellus is now assigned to Central Military Research Headquarter, New Berlin.
Service record;
Participation in the following major programs;
-SLEIPNIR; Artificial strengthening of bones through nanovirus
-ATHENA; Electric stimulation of the brain to counter severe traumatic experiences
-BRUNHILD; Lead scientist, experimental cybernetic technologies
-MIDGARD; Coma recuperation project, in partnership with Military Intelligence
-BEOWULF; Lead scientist, classified military project
-LOKI; Lead scientist, classified military project
-ATHENA II; Electric stimulation of the brain to manipulate body regulation systems
-HEL; Current project, classified military project.