> CommID: Victor Cross > Location: Yukon, Freeport 14 > Subject: Explanation for your actions
Captain. The Alliance demands an explanation for this incident.
Your vessel is not Freeport 13. That designation is already assigned and recognized by the Alliance to another Jinkusu deployed to the Omicrons.
Your presence in Liberty without permission as well as the fact you didn't acknowledge the Liberty officials when they hailed you caused the destruction of a Jinkusu and the loss of Zoner lives.
The Alliance wants to know why you were flying a falsified callsign. Mistake on your part? Intentional? Perhaps to try to lay blame on Tomoe?
The Alliance also wants to know why you were in Liberty in the first place and why you failed to leave when asked or even acknowledge them. Why you put your ship and crew in dangers way.
This isn't a request. You will answer our inquiry within 72 hours. Failure will result in your expulsion from our community. Something this Committee or the Council before us hasn't had to do in a long long time.