Je suis Colonel Frank Zacharie, leader de la Societe Militaire Privee. My pilots reported that someone from your family contacted us for a job. Could you give us more details about it?
Bonjour Mon ami
I am afraid that for the moment we have had to proceed with our opperation without your assistance, it saddly required a speedy responce. However, should our current activities fail to gain the result we are after, we will definately require your assistance. However....these operations will require you to perform actions that yuor council allies will not look kindly on, the damaging and harrasment of civilian trade vessels carrying royalist goods. Should you still be intrested, please contact me again and we will discusss the matter further
Marcus Willow, La Brise family
Bourbon base
The familly is always looking to grow, PM me for details and help us corrupt gallia one step at a time
Oh... that's so sad. You know, papers and stuff. It takes some time for the reports to arrive in Sirius or where I am. I travel a lot.
We are still interested. I appreciate your concern that the Council might not like this job but I am sure that they will be happy that us and not them take care of those... let's say civilians if not conspirators. Actually we are doing them a favor for causing problems to the royalist supply lines. Besides, we work very clean. This means that we usually don't kill innocent people but if you ask for an assassination mission we let no witness alive.
Anyway, if you will need us for future operations of this type, please don't hesitate and contact us.