Dear mister Matt Myers, mister David Copperfield, mister Hale and missis Julia Wolfe,
and all the Liberty Security Force, Liberty Navy and Liberty Police Incorporated officers
who took part in recent incident near West Point Academy,
as a Zoner, a member of Zoner Trading Consortium and a human I sincerly apologise
for my public statements and outrages against you. Because of lack of information
I blamed government agencies in terrorist act against Juggernaut-class ship. I was
affected of what I have seen and have gone too far.
Now I fully admit my mistake and i want to present my apologises to all of you personally.
I hope that things and talks that have happened will not have a bad influence on futher
Zoner-Liberty diplomacy and foreign relations.
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Well that was not expected at all. I am going to accept your apology, but remember this... Do not interfere in government affairs again, all non libertonians, foreign compains etc are guests of Liberty, so do not abuse it. That is all.
Miss Julia Wolfe
Associate Director
Liberty Security Force Command Directorate
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