We have a contract for lawful freelancers and explorers such as yourself. Please review the terms.
Stunner will make a five million credit deposit to GMG|Armoury. In return, Stunner will be granted an equipment license for five Skyblast weapons.
The entire deposit will be refunded when the technology is returned to the GMG.
Hostile action against GMG's political and economic allies as well as House police, military, and corporations is forbidden. The entire deposit will be confiscated if the GMG discovers that Stunner uses the equipment unlawfully. These funds will be allocated to establish a bounty placed on the offender.
I agree to all terms stated above.
If you agree to the terms, please sign and forward the contract in your next transmission. Upon receipt of both the deposit and the contract, the transaction will be complete. The Skyblast weapons will be available for pick up at Gas Miner Naha.
' Wrote:
Stunner will make a five million credit deposit to GMG|Armoury. In return, Stunner will be granted an equipment license for five Skyblast weapons.
The entire deposit will be refunded when the technology is returned to the GMG.
Hostile action against GMG's political and economic allies as well as House police, military, and corporations is forbidden. The entire deposit will be confiscated if the GMG discovers that Stunner uses the equipment unlawfully. These funds will be allocated towards a bounty placed on the offender.
I agree to all terms stated above.
Signed, Stan "Stunner" Goodman
Thank you for your quick response Guildmaster, i will be by Naha shortly.