I've searched google for few hours, but I CAN'T find any working FLHook plugin which has /pimpship command in it. I found one plugin, that is "Player Control Plugin" by Cannon, but GUI setup crashes as soon as I open it, and the command does not work at all, even though there's a reference both in readme and in plugin's readme. It says somewhere that it only works on shipyards (ship dealers), but I checked like 10 bases and it didn't work in any of them.
So, is there any plugin like this? Or maybe there's somewhere download of plugins used on Discovery servers, since there is a command like this in here?
The point is, the command in this plugin apparently doesn't work if not configured in GUI interface, and that interface aplication crashes fresh out of the archive, as soon as I launch it:(
The following commands are available:
/system, /local, /group, /invite, /invite$, /join, /leave, /target, /reply, /privatemsg, /privatemsg$, /factionmsg, /factioninvite, /time, /showmsgs, /setmsg, /[0-9], /l[0-9], /g[0-9], /t[0-9], /givecash, /drawcash, /setcashcode, /showcash, /renameme, /pingtarget, /ping, /credits, /ids, /id, /ignoreid, /ignore, /delignore, /set movecharcode, /set chattime, /set chatfont, /set diemsgsize, /set diemsg, /movechar, /mail, /maildel, /coin, /dice, /restart and /showrestarts
Type command with no parameters to see command details.
Text = <TRA data="0x40B60008" mask="-1"/><TEXT>Welcome to your server!</TEXT>
Text = <TRA data="0x40B60000" mask="-1"/><TEXT>Type /help for more information</TEXT>
Text = <TRA data="0xFF920540" mask="-1"/><TEXT>Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.</TEXT>