Zoners... now i am angry... and you know why? Because when i look on news about freeport 9, i see there only how much it is damaged, how much things it need and bla bla bla.
But now... gamma was attacked... by really big outcast capital ships... Not needed to say that they loosed i think 10 of them, but what is needed to say is, that one survived and jumped to theta...
after little catch he was hidding near the freeport and talking about respecting zoner no fire zone....
i think people near the windows know what was my answer...
But then... operator of the docks opened gates and let that big ugly ship dock inside... i am asking why? or zoners protect people that are attacking our home? i am still thinking about jumping back to my bomber and launch some supernovas to yoru windows... then you can scream how is freeport damaged...
[font=Comic Sans Ms] Ah, yes. May have been a trick of the light. Currently our station is in rather rough shape and not quite fit to provide refuge to more than a pint of flat beer and the men desperate enough to drink it.
But that's a worthy concern. We've holes enough, at present, without encouraging the locals to chuck a few more blue stones at us.
Consider the matter brought up with those as represent the locals.
Could we get, mayhap, the names of the ships in question or some other form of hard evidence? That'd be a peach.
Name.... hm strange is that you dont know what is name of big fat ugly ship docking inside your hangars now...
but when you will know that it was MNS-Maltese Falcon
[font=Comic Sans Ms] Do you have, perhaps, some manner of guncam imagery? To be fair we didn't actually notice anything passby, moore, moon, saunter or in any other way come within high five distance of Nine.
But we are rather roughed up at present and it's possible that our sensors and faculties alike are so off kilter that the whole event passed over our heads.
So, yes, an image or two would be the spitting image, so to speak, of excellence.
Look timothy... evidence... yes i have it... but idont see reason to give it to you... you know why?
Because i am laughing that you are asking it...
you think that i will send this angry message when this is a lie?
i was there,Espi from Sails was there... and like 8 our ships...
i am not saying that i will start another hostile actions against freeport...
Just warning you that next time, when you open the gates to battleship that jump to gamma to attack our home... i will shoot to doors until you open them or they explode....