So, ahem.
After thinking Disco-logic for a minute:
The nomad trial ship goes hand in hand with the nomad trial ID, so, even if you can RP whatever else you want, you'll be hitting your head multiple times into the wall known as 'stupidity', so no matter how much you try to prove your semi-sentient thing with life in it, some(if not most) people will say that you are a small squid trying to get bigger.
And that you are even more messed up than the other squids.
Well, I had an idea of role playing a life form that inhabits deep space. Sort of like Nomads are, but not sentient. Maybe sort of a proto Nomadic creature. I had the idea of maybe mounting those class 1 blueberry (or whatever) guns that make 16.67 shots per second, like tentacles, and just flying around and exploring the new world.
Yes, I guess it could be interpreted as "Just another nomad candidate"
Sead, neighbor, what did you have in mind by Human ship?