Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
(Permission from Dieter Schprokets to post here?)
I know The.Old.One, and he has a lot of trouble in regard to connection problems.
On more than one occasion he has lost connection (Usually after suffering from massive lag spikes beforehand) and once left me me up against a formation of cruisers I had no chance of killing. We were doing an NPC mission, so I know this was not intentional.
Last time it happened, he couldn't get back on for roughly 20 minutes.
This isn't like him to disconnect to avoid a fight, especially since you don't vanish for a good 10-15 seconds anyhow, there would be no point in it.
Not sure why he didn't post on the forum about this to explain the problem, and he may not have been able to log back in to explain what happened.
If he doesn't have a forum account, then he may not have known to post here.
I feel obligated to defend him, as if it weren't for him, I'd still be flying a Dagger.
Errrm. Why am I being ignored I asked for evidence a few days ago and pm'd you Dieter Schprokets just yesterday asking for evidence again and have not yet gotten a repily:(.
If it's a case where you don't have any screen shots/videos/chatlogs or whatever then you have no proof.
Also I can't even remember where this sanction came from (As i've been rarely useing that ship as of late) so this sanction is sort of out of the blue for me.
If there is no evidence then I would ask the admins to reverse this sanction.
In any case IF this did happen then I appollogise to the people I was in rp with at the time I got D/C.
Firstly I was not in rp with these people nor did I engage any of them at the time of the disconnection.
I undocked and was observeing the fight from a distance of 3-4k (Mainly because I was lagging) then I got disconnected.
When I reconnected I jumped into the fight.
This is hardly fair as I Didn't say one single line of RP to any of the reavers not even a "Hi" so the RP had not even started between me and them. And they didn't engage me at the time of the disconnection either so I honestly can't see the problem as I was not engaged or in RP at the time of the disconnection.
So I'd like it if you took another look at this report and reconsider.