I compose this message to your esteemed Council in response to an incident reported to me by one of our transport captains.
In essence, our convoy was employing Venator Private Security as escorts for a shipment of food to Planet Crete. Unbeknownst to our captain, and subsequently OSI's Board of Directors due to a lack of information from VPS, we had freely allowed one of your enemies into Corsair space under OSI's banner.
The concern I bring to you is that we do use Venator fairly often to supplement our own security forces. They have displayed the utmost professionalism in our experiences, with this single incident being the only one marring the record between our two companies. Senor Vito of the Black Sails was kind enough to keep the conversation civil, as the transcript reads, however we do wish to ask for special permission for VPS while in our employ.
While ideally, we'd like to have VPS tag along with our transports throughout entirety of a transport run, we realize that their presence in Gamma is unwelcome and subsequently your friendship toward us has provided a good measure of security for our transports in and around the same.
What I am asking on behalf of OSI's Board of Directors is that we come to some mutual agreement over Venator employees while they are in and around Corsair space under the employ of Omicron Supply. We'll be happy to keep their services limited to the systems around Gamma if you would be willing to allow them passage with us in the same. We wish to do whatever we can to ensure the safety of our transports throughout the Lower Omicrons and the Omegas, especially when that involves our regular shipments of food to Planet Crete. As you can imagine, there are numerous groups who would prefer that the supplies that we bring to you never have the chance to touch down in Gamma.
Naturally, of course, when VPS is not escorting one of our transports, we wouldn't care how your delegates would choose to handle the situation. We try to keep our noses out of business that doesn't involve us.