Quote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
7 days off. Please do not abuse other players.
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other
legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
Give Russell and myself the evidence. All of it, including the report itself.
I want to see what that lovely, law abiding player portrayed to you fine administration team.
I am not remorseful for calling The.Old.One what I did, as I clearly told that lovely, law abiding player that he is exactly that and am unafraid to admit it.
It appears he is another player with big toys he likes to throw at others.
What I do regret, is how quick I get done compared to a lot of other incidents I put forward to you guys. But then again, I guess this is how it is here, right? I guess the elite get 'out of forum' warnings only....
So, I'll do the generic:
I apologize, Athenian, that you had to use your time to ban me for calling someone a cap-whore, (in which by doing that I broke rule 3.1) who clearly over stepped their mark. I know you blokes run a tough community, and who needs me and my potty mouth to make it harder for you. Or more enjoyable.
I'm sorry to my factions, both TS| and DSE), as I may have raised the bar for one, but disappointed another. These guys are the ones I feel bad for making look bad. But then again, we as a collective have seen much worse, so it is their opinions, not this ban that will reflect on me the most.
The.Old.One, meh. You're no better then me. We'll meet again, undoubtedly. This time I'll use far more appropriate, politically correct words to drive home exactly what we mean.
P.S. For everyone reading this. Learn from my slip up, and don't use that word. Ever.
Russel has the screenshots.
It wasn't "cap-whore" so much as the other expressions used and the tone.
The sarcasm of your reply is very much appreciated. You don't actually need to apologise, if you feel you have done nothing wrong.
The apology was to you for the waste of time my actions had bestowed upon you, and too my friends I let down.
So yes, in my opinion it was needed.
I am not apologizing for my actions. He got what I felt he deserved.
<strike>I still have not received my share of the evidence I asked for.</strike>
Never mind, I got it via other means.
And seriously? I can understand 'ass', but they were role playing insults aimed at his character, for murdering my 'lover'. In role play, I had every right to be mad, and insult him. And for calling him a 'fool' oorp for being (how can I put this politically correct?) an inconsiderate (thinking...) person, I feel I was well in my right. I am not the only one with grievance against that player doing similar actions to others.
I'll serve my time, got no choice. But I am disappointed with you for jumping onto this incident, when I posted one on the same day (or roughly) for someone with a far worse mouth then that. You haven't even bothered looking at it. I really do love being ignored!
Now I'll let every swear word aimed at me slide, I don't get listened too anyway.
Clydes incident and sudden self inflicted comatose is due to be cured. He is flown to Alcatraz, where some miracle working (admin) doctors bring him out of his coma so he can carry on his dedicated universal domination of Sirius.
They start their procedures, and things look promising. A slip of a scalpel blade that shouldn't have been there, slices a vocal chord which won't allow him to say anything distasteful again.
The procedure will take 8 hours from now, with an hours travel back to Cali base where his ship awaits him.
So the point is, in round about 9 - 10 hours, I should be 'cured' (Unbanned). If it takes longer, I don't wanna hear that the traffic was bad, or some hippy Junker in a space combi pirated you for your synthetic maruajuana on the way. I don't mind if you share it, but your stoned demeanour won't sit well if you are late!
Thank you for a splendid holiday, and surely enough, I'll be the one putting files on your desk, not having my file on it.