Homebase: Pirates bases, Freeports and Spa and cruise bases ( Money = Luxury )
Ship: As long as he can make money with a good ship, he is happy
Relation between his parents was unusual. The mother originaly from Crete has been engaged by the outcast to get some information from a Corsair Officier. At the begining, the Woman was only manipulating him in order to get informations so she could sell it to the outcast and get some money out of it but with time The relationship got stronger and they became lovers.
The spy Got pregnant of a child and obviously the father was the Corsair military officier.
Two months later the Officier is put under arrest for high treason, Jury declares him guilty of dealing important, Vital and secret informations to the Corsairs greatest Enemy: The Outcasts. He realized that Someone was stealing informations from him but He couldn't believe that it was his loved one. Although, He never told the Corsair Elders who was the spy. He has been Executed one week after court decision.
The mother, in order to protect herself and the child left the corsair homeworld. But she was poor so she had only enough money to go to the nearby freeport 9. There, she took a job in the food production facilities.
A few month later the exiled corsair gave birth to his child. She dies of heavy blood lost during the childbirth.
Although she had the time to name her child Arthur before her death and gave him her family name. Then the child grew up in an Orphanage.
He has leaned to live in a cold blooded world, a world working with money and corruption, Treason and infidelity. Since he was poor, He found out that his only hope of survival was to make money in any way he could. So he has begun where everyone in a Freeport do, Smuggling. After and during the nomad war smuggling has been extremely lucrative. By dealing Drugs in the omicrons he has managed to make enough money to buy an extremely decent trading ship. Now he is traveling around the Sirius systems, trading with pirates of all kinds. He doesn't care about what the pirates thinks of him. He know that they need him to distribute all their commodities and to keep them alive.
For him Trading and smuggling is a living.
(( //: So, I will make a post in the FLood section so you would be able to say your comments and you will be able to corect my typo mistakes if you want, I am not an english native so feel free to corect me. And I am not a new member too, I'm here since April 07 on other forum identities ))