*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"Well, this is my first time making a log file. Got experienced in this but it was a long time ago... To whom is listening to this, I'll tell you a little about me. Born in New London in 794 A.S. from two sweet parents from two different houses... I know these houses are in war or were at war, however, I don't know how they got engaged. Either way, studied in majors of Researching Advanced Chemistry , Plasmatic Chemistry, Weaponry Mechanical Systems and a bit of 'Nomad' biology. However, I haven't finish my studies on that part since most information about them are still clueless and yet not figured out. Therefore, that's a reason I am starting this log file. Not much... might insert some few screens pictures for evidence and other important things that can help me figure out those bloody nomads."
"In other words, I am at Sarawak Station on Tau-44 System. Going to head to the hangar and see if I can get a 'Nyx' fighter. Might not be a wise choice for doing research but with all the stories I heard out there in Sirius Space... yah, I might need a well equipped fighter. Going to have to use about twenty-five million credits that I have earned in my time working building weaponry core systems in the Factory Bay."
"I will return to continue this log file I am making. I have to say, this is indeed a tremendous excitement I having today. Launching to space solo... just the ship and me... interfacing with space; creepy I'll say.
Anyways, toodles for now..."
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"Back again on recording my logs. I manage to get the 'Nyx' Fighter with no hassle, for now. Nevertheless, I have to purchase few stuff on the Station Market before I launch out to the void. Wouldn't want to be starving out there. Hopefully few Food Rations and Consumer Goods and water will do along the way. Anyways, took a picture of my Nyx from the Office Floor on the Sarawak Station."
"Quite small, if you ask me. Excuse me for a moment."
Station Crew Member:"Where would you be heading with the fighter, Ms. Novato?"
Ezabel:"Hopefully to Freeport 4. Going to get some instruments and few research device from their."
Station Crew Member:"Ahh! I see... an advice from a friend that lives there, 'Be nice to the hackers. Or you'll regret it...', Though, that shouldn't be no problem from a young woman like yourself!"
Ezabel:"I doubt it would." she smiles, "Though,... who is this 'friend' of yours?"
Station Crew Member:"Her name is Jeena Saint. She's a traffic control operator. You might hear her approving your docking request. If you do, say 'Hello' for me would you."
Ezabel:"No problems for me, sir."
Station Crew Member:"Heh... call me Sean."
*she smiles back and returns to her business*
"Oops, didn't notice I left the recording on. Oh well, I guess you probably heard our small conversation. Either way, I might be making my way to Freeport 4 in a few hours, after I buy some rations and goods. I'll keep up the log later. Bye!"
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"I manage to get the launching request approved by one of the Administrators of the Sarawak Station. However, before I undock, Sean - the guy that I was talking to before, gave me the coordinates on getting to the Freeport 4. He said that I might meet some pirates along the way, but with the ID I have, there wouldn't be a problem. To be honest, he wasn't joking. Met three pirates along the way and they hailed me, in a nice way. Oh, I also met a hacker known as the "LH~Corporate.Calamity". Nice attitude in my opinion."
"While on the Journey, met two Miners in those giant mining vessels known as the Hegemon's. They were quite busy with those rocks."
"Nevertheless, took a picture of the Magellan Jump Gate."
"Haven't seen one of those in ages. It was leading to the Manchester System then to Magellan System where Freeport 4 is located. This is where I met the Lane Hacker~ Corporate.Calamity. I manage to dock on Freeport 4 and found the lady that Sean told me about known as Jeena Saint."
"She was glad to hear about Sean. I told her a bit about him. Jeena helped get some of the research instruments from her lab and gave me some hints and ideas where some places that might be interesting for me to look at. Quite excited to meet these places. However, before I left, Jeena invited me for a Research Meeting in the next few hours. Nothing about nomads, but minerals and such things. I am more than happy to meet new people and friends. Wonder who I will meet next."
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
(Undocking from Freeport 4)
"Good day again. I stayed over on the Freeport for one night; was quite tired after the meeting. Either way, I took some notes on some new minerals or 'ore' that the scientist found on one of the Nomad's System. Don't know which one is it as they kept it 'Classified' and yet safer for our independent researchers out there. On another note, I have been given good points from Professor J. Saint and a mission to meet someone at Planet Gran Canaria! Is the home system of the Zoners - can't wait to head there."
"Prof. Saint explained to me something of an Unknown system that can be reached from a jump hole that is located on this system. Though, I wasn't ready to head there as I am still learning about these creatures, as Prof. Saint stated to me. Nevertheless, I'll be flying to Planet Gran Canaria. Got the coordinated from a pilot that I met on the Bar. So, I'll be off!"
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"Hello again! I have made it to Planet Gran Canaria with no hassle. Although few Corsairs were staring at me really strange when I docked. I guess rumors runs quickly in this Planet. Seeing that I have an Miners Guild ID with me that I had to show to request the docking. Any who, I'm going to start looking for this 'person' that is known Kevin Otan. I was told that he is not a Professor/Scientist but a Dealer and Ship Engineer. Hopefully he can get me a more fitting research ship before I leave the System to start my expedition."
"It is said many have not made it back from their expeditions. It's a very risky job, as Prof. Saint told me. However, that doesn't scare me - I want to know what's out there with my eyes. With the fighter I have, I won't be able to concentrate enough on doing biological scanning. So, a thicker hull would do. But then I have to be a Commander of a large ship or get on board on a Expedition Ship that is doing research as well. I know for a fact that 'this guy' I am finding has to have an idea or knows who's flying/commanding such ship."
"Anywho, is night here. I have to rent a room to sleep over the night. Tomorrow is hopefully a fresh start! Until next time, good listener.
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"Greetings! Today suppose to be a fresh start. Hoping to find an Exploration Ship to continue the journey. Also, the guy I mentioned before, I found him on the Ships Maintenance Bay. However, he doesn't know of anyone or any Zoners having an Exploration Vessel, but he offered me a 'Dromedary' but it won't last long on a fight as well or to keep me concentrated."
... "hmmm I guess I have to go and take the risk on my Nyx."
"I'm air-born in about 20mins. Was a long morning and a bit of wasted time. Anyways, I'll continue the chit-chat later."
*Starts recording voice with a British accent*
*Recording Starts*
"Okay, I'm having a really hard time trying to find someone or something to continue this journey. I contacted Prof. Jeena and she didn't quite helped much. "Just continue searching, is part of your journey...blah blah blah." I know I have to search, but not ships! Bloody hell... even if I head there by myself I could guarantee that I would be the next missing link. Pitiful is you ask me."
"I notice I keep saying 'there' instead of saying the System. Well the System is Omicron Delta, Iota Jump hole. But near the area is highly insecure for a lone fighter. By the way, I saw a epic Neutron Planet while I was heading out of the Omega-49 system. I'll upload this to the log:"
"I think many people of Sirius, like Traders, Scientist have seen this before. However, this is my first time seeing something like it. I studied it before back in the University, but I never thought I'll see one close!"
"Anyways, took a picture of another Freeport. This one is called Freeport 9:"
"I'll see if I can get someone or ship that's it's open for business. Searching in the Neural Net might be a wise choice, might as well try it. Anyways, I will continue this log later."