[color=#660000]The time has come to scramble what pilots we have and Unite against an Enemy, an enemy that would plunge Bretonia into Anarchy and Corruption. We cannot abandon Bretonia to the factions of Crime and Terrorism. We are the only ones who can stand between these Tyrants and our beloved Bretonia.
If you are a Pilot looking for glory, a challenge, or a true sense of right, join the Bretonian Armed Forces. I will tell you it is not an easy job, and we need commited and strong pilots to Liberate our homeworlds from Pirate factions such as the UOG. Even as i type this they are flying freely in Bretonian space. Who will join me in to defend Bretonia?
Don't think you would be doing it for New London, or the corrupt Aristocrats who deploy us to defend their own cowardice hides, do not do it for the Bretonian Armed forces or even the Queen herself! Do it for Freedom, do it for Justice, do it for Bretonia! Together we can Liberate New London and together we can bring Bretonia back to her previous glory and place in the Sirius sector.
Those willing to Enlist will be provided with 2m in Credits to buy an appropriate Bretonian ship and equipment. Approach me or any other BAF player for the money if you need it. Players can also contribute own money towards Ship/Equipment. New pilots will also be supplied with extensive knowlege of almost every way in out and around the Bretonian systems. Ranks are NOT seen as who has the better ship. Buy what ship you may but that does not change you status in the ranking system.
Those who enlist with a fighter (Gunboat-) make an account in the following fashion
Those who Enlist with larger ships (Gunboat+) make an account in the following fashion
Sorry sir, reading the stickies is always a good idea before putting your pinkies on the keyboard ...
This thread in particular ...
Thank you for your time
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."