Today I went out to patrol the lanes.
Quite a peaceful sight but then...
So I didn't know what to do, they didn't want to leave.
Force could have been an option, no doubt I would have won.
But taking all those pods to prison, that wouldn't be doable.
I decided to crack an egg, and go with a new approach!
So here is what I did.
I grabbed by song lyrics book, yes a PDA!
Looked for this...
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So this is how it went...
Quote:Carl.Anabis: oehz!
[color=#33FF33]Carl.Anabis: did I miss the Riots!? Carl.Anabis: you'll better leave alright? LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Yo' wassup officah' LR-Last.Chance: *Laughs*. LR-Last.Chance: How about you leave? Carl.Anabis: I dun' want my babies to be harmed! LR-Hidden.Decoy: Leo: I was just headin out anyway, actually. Sober.Alcoholic: *sips beer* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *drinks his beer* Carl.Anabis: leave my little ones alone LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Thanks fer' yer' beer Sober LR-Hidden.Decoy: Leo: Later guys, don't get pinched. Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: yeh welc'me, hubert buddy. LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: eya Carla Cannabis? right? LR-Last.Chance: Ya know, Police guy thingy. LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Ye' it's our Carl... Carl.Anabis: Officer Anabis. LR-Last.Chance: Ya could always join us. LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Not bad idea LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: ah...dhassit LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Yer' seems like fine guy LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *chuckles* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: fer...rogues... *hicks* Carl.Anabis: Righto... but my babies... you won't hurt them! LR-Last.Chance: If ya join us, we will protect them! Carl.Anabis: the lanes that us. Carl.Anabis: is* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Nobody's hurtin' yer'...babies dang it SilverWeasel: Well, give my best wishes to the Rogues *laughs* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Shush LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: *lights a cigarette* SilverWeasel: *hides behind his deck* Carl.Anabis: so eh... what would happen if I called the navy? Carl.Anabis: because you are groping my babies? LR-Last.Chance: We would hurt ya babies. LR-Last.Chance: If you did something so stupid. Halo`: That failed eh? LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: We would be very unpleasant and i would stop to drink mah' beer and wine Halo`: Hey carl. LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: And i would leave...which is rather unpleasant too dang it LR-Last.Chance: It is pirate day today or something? Halo`: Rogues...Hello. Carl.Anabis: I have an Idea! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: yeh, dun' touch da beer. *sips some* Carl.Anabis: I'll sing you away! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Oh... Carl.Anabis: *grabs his lyrics book* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Damn... *hicks* LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: a song? oi love't Carl.Anabis: *looks through his book* erm... where was it... Carl.Anabis: the G... something with the G LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: G Spot song? Carl.Anabis: Gu... Gun... Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: *laughs* Carl.Anabis: erm Carl.Anabis: Gunther! found it! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *drinks his beer* Carl.Anabis: "ohh, you touch my tralala, LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Bear ! Would ya stop shooting !?!?! Carl.Anabis: "hmmm my ding ding dong" Carl.Anabis: "lalalalalala" Carl.Anabis: "lalala" Carl.Anabis: "lalalalala" Carl.Anabis: "oeh you touch my tralalala" LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: *applauds* Carl.Anabis: "my ding ding dong" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: I dunno' wha't's worse... this cop singin'... or this fool shootin'... Carl.Anabis: "lalalalaa" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: I'll buy a ticket. *smiles* Carl.Anabis: "Deep in da night...." Carl.Anabis: "I'm looking for some fun" Carl.Anabis: "deep in the night" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *spits his beer* Carl.Anabi: "I;m looking for some love" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: Show 'em ta me.... *sings* LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: guess Alc got a song too *laughs* Carl.Anabis: "de-de-de- deep in the night...oeeehh" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: I think i won't stay any longer.... damn Carl.Anabis: "I'm looking for some ..... (ping)" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: Yeh a big fat man, i'm a titty fan... Carl.Anabis: "you tease me" Carl.Anabis: "you please me" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: so i'm glad yeh show yer's too... Carl.Anabis: "I want you to me lovetoy!" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: *sings* Carl.Anabis: "Come near me, don't fear me" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *performs system check to start engine* LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: ye ye...rap battle lads *puts on his sunglasses* Carl.Anabis: "I just can't get enough of ya boy " Carl.Anabis: "Oehhhhh.... don't touch my tralala" Carl.Anabis: boo I'm sining! Carl.Anabis: "Mmmm... my ding ding dong" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Whaaaaaaaa !!! Stop it...all of you !!!! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: m'kay buddy. *sips beer* Carl.Anabis: "oehh my tra-" what? [XTF]-Zaza-: La la la di dum di dum Topless girls at California are so so so much fun! Carl.Anabis: You eh... didn't like it?! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: was jus' in a mood. *gulps the whole bottle* Carl.Anabis: "tatatatatata.... lalalala" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *makes an exhausted look toward the Carl* Okay...enough...enough... LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: whad? topless girlies? where tha' 'ell...? Carl.Anabis: "oeehh don't touch my tralalala" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Carl i pay ya three milions if ya leave LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *hicks* Carl.Anabis: you could leave *continues mumbling the song* [XTF]-Zaza-: *Puts on the "Hot pants" LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: no recall, eh? LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: wanna see tha' [XTF]-Zaza-: well i seen some beautiful girls dancing at Alcatraz! Carl.Anabis: "deep in da night.... I'm looking for some fun" "oeehh" LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *scratches his bear* Actually... would ya sing this last phrase again ? Carl.Anabis: yaahhh.... gosh I love it! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Ye ye' the last one was good [XTF]-Zaza-: And some good looking men also *Smiles* Carl.Anabis: "you tease me, oh please me" that one? LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: mus've been me... LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Ye ye ye ! That one ! Carl.Anabis: wait... LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Once more....repeat it ! Carl.Anabis: hmmmm oehhh *rocks hard* Carl.Anabis: *starts jumping around his cockpit* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *throws up his dinner* Uuuuuhhhh.... Carl.Anabis: "oehhh my ding ding dong!" Carl.Anabis: "deep in da night... I'm looking for some fun" Carl.Anabis: come one again... repeat ! LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: *cheers* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *continues to throw up* Huuuuuuhhhuuuuuuuuuuu......uuuuuhhh Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: Cheers! *sips beer* Carl.Anabis: "Deep in da night... I'm looking for some fun" Carl.Anabis: "you tease me oh please me" Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: we need gurlz. LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Ah ! Feel bettah' now. Thank ya Carl. Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: da guy has da music. Carl.Anabis: "I want you to be my love toy!" LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! TODAY FOR YOU THE FAMOUS, THE INCREDIBLE... LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Ye ye'... LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: CAAAAAAAAARL ANAAAAABIIIIIIIIIIIS! Carl.Anabis: "lalalalalalal...oeh my tralalla... lalalala! Carl.Anabis: what?! sing with me! c'mo again! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: If ya ignore his voice and words...he has beautiful talent Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: *laughs... falls off his chair* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: *opens new bottle of wine* Carl.Anabis: dang! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: You made me throw up mah' dinnah' Carl.Anabis: I broke my lyric book! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: thows away the old can of beer* dangit, window closed Carl.Anabis: nooooooooh! Carl.Anabis: *tries glue'ing his book together" LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: 'ere oi got anodh'r on, Carl [XTF]-Zaza-: O dear... Carl.Anabis: does it have "da love song" in it? LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Whatcha' blablin' ya fool ? LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: yah wanna borrow mine? LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: fer sure *smiles* [XTF]-Zaza-: Who...excuse me..? Carl.Anabis: ehm okay 3.000.000 and I'll take it LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Silver Wolf... scram... now LR-Last.Chance: Bunter. LR-Last.Chance: You have 10 seconds to leave the area. LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Nine... LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Eight... Carl.Anabis: haha! I got my book back together! Carl.Anabis: and .... Carl.Anabis: it broke again! Carl.Anabis: nooeeehh! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: MEh'... where we was... LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: ey take mine...dun' needit Carl.Anabis: okay life is cruel today! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: G'dness.... *sips beer* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Yer' broken book ? Oh no... that's terrible *smiles luckily* Carl.Anabis: you're all under arrest! since my book broke! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Carl... calm down LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: I will sing to you now Carl.Anabis: My boook... my bookie! Carl.Anabis: You'll sing it... fo- for me?! *blooms* LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *starts to sing*: Awwwwwww.....awwww....auuuuu.... Caaaaaaaarl.... mah' maaaaaaaaaaannn *hicks*.... Carl.Anabis: eh... that was awful LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: As sweeeeeeeeet as it can beeeeeeee your blu' *hicks*...pants.... and everything........caaaaaaarlll !!! Sober.Alcoholic: Rogers: hubert.. th't was.... th't... i dun' 'ave words. Carl.Anabis: *holds hands on his ears* Oeh noooeeeh! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: *catches a new breath and continues to sing* Wicked maaaaaaan.... yer baaaad maaaaan... neeeeed to caaaaalm dooooown Carl.Anabis: I can't take this...! LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Why ?
Death: Carl.Anabis Destroyed his/her ship (Mine)
[color=#FFFF00]LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: yeeeeaaaaaah maaaaaaa Caaaaaarl *hick* Johnathan.Alquist: Your voice, it is so good, it's amazing. It's like, fingernails on a chalkboard. Carl.Anabis: *looks around* goodie... no speakers in my ejection pod Carl.Anabis: awesome! LR-Economical.Offense: Stanton: dunnnnnnn' ev'rrrrrr eject, maaaaa Caaaaaaarl! SilverWeasel: Hmmm...GC chicks in a school dress... LR-Cross.Eyed.Gunner: Hubert: Mah' maaaaaaan.... caaaaarl didn't like mah' sooooooong *hicks* Carl.Anabis: *sets his pods cruise engines towards Riverside while humming the tralala*
And now... I'm deeply lost in my beer at Riverside.
I should never evah listen to Rogues singing again!
I shall come up with a better plan next time.
One that will work!
But I somehow did manage to keep the lanes safe!