Should I do a Slaver Faction, Smuggling Faction or both under one?
Both but the later only as a front.
Suggest a Faction Name & In-game Tag
I've got nothing for suggestions... Something which makes your abbreviation or your tag both inconspicuous yet identifiable.
What would you like to see the faction do? Details Details Details!
I love the idea of starting (restarting) a slaving faction. They're someone everyone loves to hate and it's a really fun role to play for people. Use the house corporation ships to move small amounts of slaves in freighters mixed with other cargo? I'd LOVE to see slavers intercepting shipments of passengers (especially those buggers moving them not in liners).
Ship used?
Slave Liner, Armored Transport, and House transports (love to see freighters!). :crazy:
Places where slaves are sold/bought.
ID/IFF combinations, one for all or mixtures?
If you're going to take it seriously, always Slaver ID. IFF... Random house corp IFF based on ship? :P
Should I do a Slaver Faction, Smuggling Faction or both under one?
Slaving IS smuggling, I say both under one.
Suggest a Faction Name & In-game Tag
Slavers/Smugglers of Sirius, [SoS]
What would you like to see the faction do? Details Details Details!
Slave, Smuggle, buy and sell various pilots to different people, like a slaver. I.E: Selling an LPI pilot to a Lane Hacker.
Ship used?
Slave Liner obviously, but also snub crafts and transports.
All of Sirius.
ID/IFF combinations, one for all or mixtures?
Slaver ID's for Slave Liners, Smuggler ID's for transports, snub crafts, I say Smuggler ID, since Slaver ID doesn't allow you to escort anyone but slavers. Freelancer tag for smugglers, and Outcast IFF for Slavers.
Should I do a Slaver Faction, Smuggling Faction or both under one?
Both. Slaves are considered contraband in all lawful Houses anyway, so really slaves are a small part of the whole smuggling area of operation.
Suggest a Faction Name & In-game Tag
I'm bad with naming groups. Slaves R Us? That's a joke. Leaders of smuggling groups are normally very egotistical and name the group after themselves, so you may want to use the head's last name with something like "Syndicate" e.g. Barry's Syndicate.
What would you like to see the faction do? Details Details Details!
Smuggle. Make deals with unlawful groups to use bases and equipment. Get rich.
Ship used?
Civilian ships, Slave Liner, Camara Freighter, etc.
All of Sirius
ID/IFF combinations, one for all or mixtures?
Primary ID Smuggler, Secondary ID Slaver. Freelancer IFF.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Should I do a Slaver Faction, Smuggling Faction or both under one?
Suggest a Faction Name & In-game Tag
Traffickers or Human Traffickers - so variation of T or HT
What would you like to see the faction do? Details Details Details!
Smuggle slaves, common people and human organs around. (Not many routes but it could be fun while doing it trough lawful territory), also to be more fun fulfilling contracts. Such as Slaves for OC,Organs for Corsairs, buying of prisoners around etc.