It's said that one of the main causes of the war was the aggressiveness of BMM towards the IMG in the Tau systems but I don't see how this could have led to an intercolonial war.
Firstly because the IMG is not a Kusari faction, it would have made sense if Bretonia went to war with the IMG only. Secondly because it seems the BPA and BAF got pulled into because of BMM's actions. Just because BMM is a Bretonian firm doesn't exactly mean that it is part of the BAF or BPA. I don't see why Kusari was brought into this, sureley this should just be a war between BMM and IMG?
Does anyone know more than I do?
Captain Mal: "Do you wanna run this ship!? Jayne Cobb: "Yes!" Captain Mal: " can't"
Why its a war between Kusari and Bretonia rather than one between Bretonia and IMG...
The IMG aren't equipped to fight Bretonia. They do however have lots of space that Bretonia and BMM want to get their hands on. The IMG beat BMM to tau-37 by finding the jump holes to tau-23 first while BMM tried to build the jump gate. So IMG controls the rich Niobium deposits up north. Since BMM cannot move into those fields without removing the IMG first, you have the Bretonian crown getting ever more possesive of Tau-31, trying to muscle the IMG out.
Kusari became aware of this and saw the Bretonians trying to monopolize the Niobium. They see the IMG as 3rd party Niobium brokers between all the houses, much the way the GMG are with H-fuel. So one could say that the reason Kusari sent warships to tau-31 was to maintain IMG's hold on the Niobium market, to maintain its balance.
You will see many other rumors talking about Corsair or OUtcast influence on either side, but I think those are red herrings.
' Wrote:You will see many other rumors talking about Corsair or OUtcast influence on either side, but I think those are red herrings.
It makes it a lot easier for a country to persuade it's population to wage war if they portray the enemy as having a connection with a criminal group thats screwing you over... For a good example of this (sorry for being a little controversial) look at the way that Iraq was shown (or rather implied) to have connections with international terrorism (especially Al Qaida).
Actually alot of the unlawful influence news is ON unlawful bases, Like how the Corsairs and Outcasts talk about how they are provoking the war. Sneaky bastards if you as me...Maybe they are stronger than we think..But not smarter...well maybe...I don't know...Makes you think...ok thats enough for one post.
While being quite funny, your sig was the biggest one i've ever seen so far. No more than 700x250 please. ~utrack