Lei has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:
Quote:1. Not allowed on Discovery forums:
- Posting abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, racist materials;
- Advertising, especially commercial advertising, except (1) advertising your own gaming websites or forums or (2) your own game servers;
- Adult content or links to adult content; This includes any anime that is in any way slightly graphic or pornographic;
- Posting libel, defamatory, threatening materials and any law-violating materials;
- Posting copyrighted material that does not belong to you and redistribution of which was not allowed by the owner;
- Seizure-inducing pictures may be removed without warning.
Consequences: Banned from Forums and Server for 60 days.
Seems you actually circumvented your original ban, and continued to create new accounts.
That's probably why they are still banned.
I'll check through them tomorrow and remove all those created in that time frame, and unban the others.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."