Well, Ms. Allen, It is a shame to hear that is your viewpoint on the matter. You dont talk to criminals? What of the Corsairs and Hogosha? Nothing to say? That's what I thought. You seem to have the misunderstanding that your comments trying to degrade us by your use of historical reference will have any effect. I am a businessman, pride, honor, your view of legal? These things mean little to me, nor do your admonishments about my forefathers. How dare you preach to us while you clearly use this Summit to advance your own agenda. While I am not a fan of the Colonial Remnants, I would assume they should have just as much reason to be a part of this meeting as anyone else, or at least, you know the leader of Freeport 274 with its 14 inhabitants. Or the Coalition government, illegal? That from a woman who runs a company that is a major player in the Sigma's artifact trade?
More and more it becomes clear that you have a certain agenda, and you will manipulate this summit to fit your needs however you can. This summit can mildly be called farcical. The IND will be having no part of it. Please remove IND and Renzu for the participants list.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
Origin: HMS Craven's Nest
Recipients: Kim Allen
Ms. Allen, you don't seem to understand Her Majesty's message at all.
She gave you a full summary of Sir Frasier's political, diplomatic, and military standing in the Kingdom of Bretonia. He is quite the opposite of a "back bencher" in Parliament. The only people who could think so would be people who are willfully ignorant of the facts not only available, but handed to them directly on a silver platter of the utmost bluntness.
Sir Frasier is the Fleet Admiral of the Bretonia Armed Forces. He leads the entirety of our nation's military in all of its operations and duties. In short, one of the most powerful men in our nation, politically and diplomatically, as well as a member of our War Cabinet, which conducts a large amount of the realm's diplomatic and military activities. When Sir Frasier speaks to you, he speaks with the authority of one who represents our nation and our Queen, and Her Majesty made it quite clear that she expects you to respect him in that capacity.
-Baroness Snowdown Admiral of the Norfolk Great Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
I will not be bothering in running the Summit anymore.
Why because I can see alot of players Mewtagaming.
Trying to provoke me.
Making up roleplay that has not happened.
Not respecting the choices.
Players using this channel to degrade certain Factions.
Players using this channel in the way it was not meant to be used.
Those that wish to help and ensure this does not turn out the way again please contact me on Skype or forum PM's.
I'll also point people to the following in my first post. So by that CR and SCRA asking if they are invited in itself is metagaming. As it was not directed to them.
Quote:To: The Sirius Houses of Kusari, Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonia and all Civilians there in.
Gateway Comm System: Open
From: Calum McDonald, CEO Gateway Interstellar
To: Andrew Bellingham
Subject: Curacao Summit
I have recently recieved a message on comms "By Royal Decree"
This, im afraid, cannot be ignored as, although Gateway Interstellar is an independant Bretonian company, we are still Bretonian, and loyaly so.
Gateway Interstellar therefore has no choice but to withdraw from the summit.
My apologies.
If, in the future, a summit can be organised that everyone agrees to, you can be rest assured that myself, Calum McDonald, representing Gateway Interstellar will attend to discuss all that was in your previous agenda.
//I'll also point people to the following in my first post. So by that CR and SCRA asking if they are invited in itself is metagaming. As it was not directed to them. So I cannot understand any of the roleplay that has been happening. NO invite was sent to =CR= nor to any others out of the areas that are noted.
Quote:To: The Sirius Houses of Kusari, Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonia and all Civilians there in.
//I'm sorry but saying it is to someone automatically means it is for that person only as per forum rules. I do not send an email to one person, only to find that 60 people has recieved it. I only put one address. I only put one address for those that I spoke to one person at a time.
I am not ranting. I am stating facts. Don't like them get lost.
Also Considering various Freeports are with in and near those Houses I would disagree. I would also go as far as saying that if one is with in a House such a message is transmittied that it will be recieveable by anyone that is a civilian. Since a Zoner is a civilian they would recieve it.
// SO I guess this is dead.
Skulls you can not really blame the others for thinking it was ok as you had no problem with others that piped in that had not specificity been mentioned in the following.
Quote:To: The Sirius Houses of Kusari, Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonia and all Civilians there in.
Zoners are not registered as civilians of any of the houses and although I agree that they should be allowed to see this message, you set a precedent by allowing them access.
It will always be confusing to others when you have such a wide acceptance and yet then try and exclude one or two groups.
Also as to some of the coms that were seen by others that you wished not to see them, maybe it was missed where you wrote to such and such and only them.
But I think you are having a bit of a rage declaring everyone metagamers when responses rom others did not say private and confidential.
Did the CR state that only you could see it?