Ok so, having spent most of last night grinding cash and Junkers guard rep I hurriedly rushed to puerto rico to buy my guard ID and a not so shiny new salvager, only to find myself in a state of confusion.
I am informed that the Salvager requires a guard ID. I notice I am limited in regard to areas I can operate in as a guard. Specifically - "Cannot operate outside of Gallia, the Tau systems, Omicron 80, and Omicron Alpha, Bretonia and Kusari". This makes less sense when you consider that the Junkers guard system is actually in liberty!! So junkers guard cannot legally operate in their own guard system or be seen to travel to it?
Also, the salvager is classed as a transport as I see it. So can I get confirmation that it requires guard ID and not a regular junkers one which can use 'transports'. I just find it odd that the 'junkers only' transport is limited in this way, though I do get the RP youre trying to enforce.
EDIT: Also, does junkers guard ID get a bonus when mining scrap like the regular ID?