The actual ratios are, and I just re-read the lore.. 150:30 bs, 2000:500 crusers+gb
As for the house/pirates thing, I'm presuming the particularly long lived pirates, like the mollies, are surviving not because their bases are hidden (look, we've good enough optics -today- to search out our solar systems...everything in most systems should be easily documentable over 10 years or so) So they must be surviving because, for example, as is the history of the battleship hood, that large craft cannot get close enough to the bases to destroy them.
The hood did try this, and that's why its abandoned. It was too damaged in the Arranmore fields to go on, and abandoned. Mollies are proof that, in this continuum, stronger forces can easily be held at bay with proper defensive emplacements...I propose only that Bretonia, as a Great House, can produce rather a lot more entrenchment than the Mollies.
Card, I do expect Gallia will get to Dublin, through, 1: the Edinburgh jump hole, which they control. 2: the Leeds JH, which I'm proposing they gain rather quickly, and 3: the London Gate, which I'm also suggesting they gain control of (the london gate may well be part of their invasion of London)