Alright, so there is a problem with Gallic nebulae and fields not appearing on the navmap in the right colors or with the right textures. Needless to say, the type of field you encounter when flying around should look roughly the same on the navmap. If it's a plain rock asteroid field, it should look like a plain rock asteroid field on the map. If it's a blue nebula, it should appear blue on your navmap.
What I'd like help from Gallic players with is; Areas you encounter where the field color/texture between the system and navmap do not match.
Information I need;
System Name
Field Name
Color of the field in the system
Color of the field on navmap
-Screenshots would be helpful
Ile-de-France System Senlis Cloud GREEN in system DARK/TRANSPARENT on NavMap
[Map view] [Exterior view] [Interior view] (NOTE: Inforcards for Senlis and its surrounding asteroid field refer to the cloud as orange. It's... clearly not orange.)