Whole this thread is nonsense, and it still goes on. Guys, just shut up and play, have fun! 2 great powers face each other now. Good bye Outcast-Corsair war, welcome Zonur-Corsair war!:happy:
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Right, so ive been watching this thread from my winter palace in sunny tanzania - 27'C and its pitch dark out there - and the summary is this:
sairs are fed up of lolraids launching from the freeport
zoners are fed up of being dictated to by corsairs, and are feeling muscular.
move the freeport 509854609835089635km away from the jump hole
remove the docking ports for large ships, so only snubs can dock (yeah, i know, large freighters/transports wouldn't be able to dock, but then there is the possiblity of small ships doing shuttle runs from the bigger nearby zoner or corsair bases to supply the free port
ring the freeport with corsair weapons platforms
spawn corsair npcs around the freeport and jumphole
and finally...
these are solutions to what is essentially a server-wide problem; the mulitple breaking of rule 0.0, be excellent to each other. when sairs go to raid, we form up a big group, and then head out, giving enough time for the opponents to log into proper ships... theres no time to do that if a raid pops up and arrives in minutes.
its the equivalent of the RM being able to lolraid manhatten after cruising from buffalo base. Im in favour of the final suggestion, as the administrator of the freeport should be able to determine that such and such character is not allowed to dock, and can be permabanned from the zoners' bases.
but whats this? banning from one is banning from all? well, good. The actions of such and such character have jeopardised the neutrality of the zoners in one base, do you think that this character will be as mild as milk in any of the other bases? accept the consequences of your actions, and roll a corsair. trying to see the perspective from any other viewpoint gives skewed results: zoners are not a house, the corsairs are. zoners do not have a home system, the corsairs even bought their home planet for them...
a little dignity, a little respect, and a little 0.0 is all thats needed here.
the devs worked their collective buttocks down to small stubby things to deliver us 4.86 and the garlic flavour of the new mod... and yet 'raid gamma everyday' is the reality. For shame gentlemen. we cried and cried about the length of time it took for 86 to be delivered - work that was undertaken unpaid, in free time, cutting into their family (and more importantly game time :rolleyes:) - and we shrug that effort off because we're arguing about who owns what part of what sandbox.
I hope to see a resolution to this conflict upon the arrival of the rains, and my return to a land where dial-up internet speeds are considered a luxury.