The Gallic Freedom Movement, is a political party under the Councils wing that has originated in 819 A.S. But they 'being' originated, has already been planned since the first Gallic war. In the time of SOL, when all sleeper ships were moving, a coalition family called the Czurak family knew about the Gallia. The Czurak family was a respected and wealthy family within the coalition, but disrespected by many. Because the Coalition was a communistic group, but the Czurak family came from Poland, who had tight ties with democracy. So as Poland was pulled into the Coalition, so got a little bit of democracy! Anyhow. The Czurak family was a family who tried to make the communistic Coalition a little more democratic every day. Many respected the Czurak their care, and their wealth. But other extremists despised the Czuraks. At the point that the Coalition gained the upper hand, the Coalition was planning to take ever the Sol system. The Czuraks couldn't accept this, they were of opinion that the Alliance should regain at least planet Pluto! But the Coalition members disagreed on this. So the Czurak family started bribing high ranked officers and pilots to agree with the Czuraks their idea. The high command however found out, and marked the Czurak family as traitors. The Czuraks had to place to go, but then they remembered an old friend of the Alliance. A Frenchman. So they contacted him, and the Frenchman told them about the sleeper ships and that he could smuggle the Czurak family aboard. They refused, the alliance would notice immediately that they were part of the Coalition. No, they had a greater wish. They requested to let the Frenchman take their daughter. Their daughter of 5 and all data about the Czurak family. The Frenchman agreed to this and took the child and smuggled her aboard the Gallia together with all data the Czuraks gave him about the Coalition and about the Czurak family. What happened to the Czuraks is unknown. Probably jailed, and followed by that destroyed by the nomad super weapon.
The Frenchman and the child have landed with the sleepership. The Frenchman dedicated his life to help the Gallic government, learning the child the language etc. But he couldn't learn her true French. So he focused on regular English instead what worked swimmingly. The Frenchman at some point gave the child al the data of her real parents and her family. It seemed that the entire family, as long as it existed, had a special affiliation for diplomatic issues or ways. Every Czurak ever born was gifted with being an great diplomat! The Frenchman came to pass, and the girl got pregnant and gave birth to two children. A boy, and a girl. Her husband was called: Kevin Necroix. Out of joy, the Czurak women said something in Polish. Kevin looked surprised about this. This was the point that their relation ship went downwards. Czurak explained Kevin the situation but Kevin thought it was too dangerous. So they split up and Czurak kept their daughter and Kevin their son. And they never contacted each other ever since. Czuraks' daughter grew up, with great English. Czuraks' wish was to teach her good English, so the next Czurak could learn actual French/Gallic. So when she passed away, the daughter was all grown up and fully aware of her past. And she decided to join the branches of the government. Her name was Diana Le Zura. When Gallia was at the point of their new plans to take over the Sirius sector and the other houses the Czurak within Diana jumped up. And she joined the democratic parties. She found love within this democratic party with someone was completely ok with her being an Coalition descendant. Cause after all, she did some pretty nice work for the democratic party! But she and her husband had already foresaw that Gallia would end up in a civil war, and that the GRN would eventually win. So they tracked down Diana's brother. Diana's brother who was surprised to hear about this and was shocked about his history...agreed to a plan Diana made together with her husband. The Necroix family and the Le Zura family formed an project together what would be called..the Le Czurak project. Their goal, to stop the GRN in the future if needed. where our story realy start. The Necroix family and le Zura family kept their 'Czurak' data thing and kept adding things. Their children added things, as their children's children did. Because Le Zura and the Necroix family had a plan. They planned to keep both families together as friends, and conceive new children (from other families) for a generations long so the Czurak blood wouldn't be that close tied. The goal of this plan was, that over a few generations the two families conceive a child together what would have the financial and business capabilities of the Necroix family. And the diplomatic capabilities from the Czurak family! So this child could lead a political party to victory within Gallia. And make sure peace rules, and not violence or monarchy. Some members of the families found it an disgusting, worst, plan ever. How ever Diana was strongly convinced this would work. Because she had all the Czurak capabilities while her brother had all the capabilities of their father. And Czuraks diplomatic insight foresaw that something bad would happened, and her brother agreed if he looked at the way the businesses acted and how the stocks went to all the military purposes. And so it happened. Generation after generation children got born, the Le Zura party helped the democratic parties and the Necroix party was keeping the stocks and businesses as far away from the crown as possible and they secretly passed a little sum of money to the democratic forces. At the year the of 635 the Necroix family has done great work transferring secret money from time to time to the Democratic forces, and the Le Zura family still did great political work. They felt confident, after the votes around the 635 A.G.S. they thought they didn't even need to follow the plan their ancestors created! But then the kings betrayal came! Parties got arrested, just as the Le Zura family. The Necroix family was able to buy the Le Zura family out and the Le Zura family joined the Council when they got created. The Le Czurak project was after all still a go, all they needed to wait for was a Necroix with exceptional 'Necroix capacities' and a Le Zura with exceptional 'Czurak capacities'. Some saw this as a lost dream of the ancestors but they did not stop beliving! Until the day an Necroix and Le Zura got born with those capacities they needed! And they fell in love. Around the 710AGS when the Council was going to make their move, the GRN found out about the Necroix their money transfers after all those years. The Necroix has been a great financial support for the Council fleet. The Necroix family got threatened that the GRN would execute them all if they didn't call a meeting with the Le Zura family. The Necroix couldn't let this happen, because of the two lovers who were supposed to give birth to the one who was supposed to make a change. So they agreed, the two families came together once again. Heavily armed of course, they encountered the GRN. But the GRN outnumbered them..too heavily. The entire warehouse they had their 'meeting' was full of the GRN and surrounded. The GRN thought they won, but Le Zura family had a backup plan. They took their coats off and showed an armour of heavy explosives! And they made a deal. The GRN let the two lovers go, and in trade for that: The GRN could shoot the rest down. To lower the casualties they agreed. The two lovers flew to Champagne but Le Zura family looked at the Necroix and they nodded. The GRN looked them in the eyes and Le Zura family said: One for all, and all for one. The GRN started shooting, but it was too late, the Le Zura family has pressed the button..and around 30 GRN including a few officers and high political leaders, got blown to pieces together with the Necroix and Le Zura family.
The two lovers conceived two children and knew what this meant. The firstborn, the closest one to the Czurak bloodline was called 'Patrick le Czurak' and the second born who was closest to the Necroix bloodline got the name 'Percival Necroix'. The two lovers split up temporarily, Piere le Czurak took Patick and went to Languedoc asap to help fight the war. Percival stayed with their mother Eloise Necroix. After the Gallic war the paths were cleared and around 732AGS the Council had a great defensive barrier around the GRN..Piere got severe injuries to his body muscles during this war. As result to that: He could still do regular daily things and works, as long as he didn't do heavy work, gave his body rest from time to time and especially: Flying, sporting, that kind of stuff was prohibited. Cause of the tension in the plane and sports etc would make the muscles tear itself apart. But he was a great help! How ever, he and his wife Eloise Necroix couldn't reunite cause of the distance. Piere hired an friend of the war to teach Patrick flying, and in a few years he flew like a pro. On school he was also class president and such: Cause of his Czurak blood! Around the year of 734AGS when the GRN had its massive counter attack..Patrick didn't help in this battle. Instead, Patrick took his father and flew away beforehand. The Council lost, and they retreated to Roussillon. Patrick and his father who were there as well, contacted Eloise and his brother Percival. They talked and came to an agreement. Patrick was determined to get Percival and his mother out of there. And so it happened. After everyone got on planet Toulouse Patrick and Percival discussed the options..Gallia became nothing more then a power obsessed communistic bunch of tyrants. They wanted to change this. Generation after generation they lived in oppression, in fear of the crown. Time to change that! Percival managed to get his bloodline abilities running within Champagne. He managed that they build several ships and capital ships. For a high price of course, but it was worth it. He rounded up several people he knew to join Percival and Patrick. Patrick used his bloodline abilities to get working on papers..documentation..the background story..letters..mails..etc. They came together, completely prepared for the outside world. Their fleet was busy being made, just needed to be funded once they were done. Documentation was being made and a few pre-relationships were established..and then they were ready. Patrick le Czurak and Percival Necroix who had already read the entire Czurak and Necroix history and added their own data to it..created a group. This group was called: The Gallic Freedom Movement
It are not the actions that defines a mans worth...
It are the intentions what are behind it,
What makes the person who he is and where he stands for.