[color=#000000]Char name(s): Junichiro Takahashi
~ [color=#000000]Rank: Nito Kaii
~ [color=#000000]Ships:
[KNF]Ni.J.Takahashi (Chimaera)
[KNF]Personnel.37501 (Armored Transport)
(bomber which hasn't been fully set up yet)
~ [color=#000000]Shared ships you have: Several, I think, but I also haven't looked into them. I like my Chimaera.
~ [color=#000000]Last time online doing something(not reseting timer for inactivity): Approximately 3 weeks ago.
[color=#000000]Char name(s):
Nagai, Teika [color=#000000]Rank:
Nito Kaii [color=#000000]Ships:
[KNF]Ni.Nagai.Teika - Chimaera [color=#000000]Shared ships you have:
N/A [color=#000000]Last time online doing something(not reseting timer for inactivity):
2.5~ weeks ago. I lost internet for 2 weeks, and I'm still getting back into the swing of things.